Mark and I sat in the audience as proud as we could possibly be. I even cried a good bit of the time, but that is no surprise to anyone I'm sure. I don't even know why I get so emotional but I do. At the end of the Recital, Ms. Jordan gave Hayden a teddy bear that had on the exact same outfit that Hayden had on and then she came down off the stage and straight into my arms for a big hug and kiss. I started crying watching her walk of that stage so proud of herself. She did it and she was very confident about it! That is one of the moments that Mark and I will never forget and always treasure. It was so great to see how far she has come since that first lesson, when I wasn't so sure she was really going to like ballet. I truly was amazed at how wonderful she did and Addie and Sara too for that matter.
Mark recorded the whole recital for her to watch later, I think she will enjoy watching herself and the other two little girls. I tried to take lots of pictures, but would you believe that my batteries died after the first 5 minutes of the recital. Thank goodness Aunt Kim was there with her camera, she saved the day and got some really great pictures of the princess ballerina.
We are so proud of you. You were amazing on that stage and you proved to yourself and us that you can do anything you put your mind to! Great Job and We love you Princess!!!
Mommy, Daddy and Gracie Leigh
Here are the pictures of the Princess Ballerina...
Look at that smile...getting ready for her big performance...

Look at that angel in the middle...
She looks so graceful and beautiful, almost like she is floating across the stage...
Hayden and all of her beautiful flowers, Thanks Uncle Artie!
Gracie turning flips, I think she thought that everyone was watching her instead of Hayden...
Proud Mommy and Daddy...
This is probably my personal favorite...
After the recital we all went to Applebees to eat some lunch and then everyone came to our house to celebrate Aunt Linda's birthday. Mimi and Pop were the first to show up with a BIG surprise for the girls. When they got here, they came in the house and Hayden immediately went and looked out the window to see what was on the back of the truck and then she took off out the door. I bet you are wondering what in the world it could have been... Well here it is, yes that is an airplane !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mommy and Daddy can play on it too. Sorry Mimi and Pop had to stay up until 2am putting it together, but I bet it was worth it to see how much Hayden and Gracie loved it!!! Thanks Mimi and Pop and Happy Birthday Aunt Linda, hope you enjoyed your dinner and cupcakes, We Love You!
And Later in the Evening....
The big kids had to play on it too, except as soon as we all got on it all the cameras started coming out...
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