Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ducks big win

Tuesday night Hayden had another softball game. The Ducks won 17-1!  I was so proud of all the girls especially mine. Hayden struck out the first time but then she had two really good hits later. All of the coaches were telling her she had a gre swing. She didn't have much action at 3rd base because a lot of th girls on the other team struck out. It is a lot different this year without the T ball stand. Hayden is learning a lot of new rules but she is really enjoying it.

Good Job Hayden!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

American Girl Birthday #5 Gracie

Sunday, we took the girls to The American Girl Doll Store to celebrate Gracie's 5th birthday. She was so excited and she is getting so big.  Hayden was excited too. The lunch was good as always and of course they wanted more dolls, this time the twins a boy and girl!  Hayden begged all through the store and lunch and yes I gave in at the and because it was what Gracie has asked for earlier.  They both got twins but I hi them and wrapped Gracie's dolls up when w got home. Her face was simply priceless when she opened it. Mark said he has not ever seen her so excited. Then I gave Hayden hers. Needless to say they were happy, happy, happy!  They also got showered with gifts from Aunt Kim and Mimi.  They are some very lucky little girls!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Big Day for Gracie

When I picked the girls up from school yesterday they were standing there together holding hands waiting for me. It was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.  Hayden is trying to take very good care of Gracie, but I think Gracie will be just fine. One of the teachers that gets them out of the car in the mornings told Mimi that Gracie is a little more assertive than Hayden. She said she was trying to help Gracie out of the car and with her book bag and Gracie pretty much said no she didn't need help. The teacher said Hayden would have accepted the help rather than saying she didn't need it. It kind if surprised me but Gracie does tell all right now and Hayden is speaking up a little more too.

Gracie couldn't wait to tell me about her day...she was the happiest little girl in the world!  Why?  Because she got to go to the library and check out her first book!!!  She picked out a Junie B Jones chapter book because she knew Hayden would like it. How sweet is that?  I love this little girl so much. I told her that Hayden got to get her own book so she could pick out whatever she wanted to next week.  She also went to Bible and she didn't eat a lot of her lunch because she had goldfish for a snack. Oh and she fell asleep at nap time.

After Gracie was so excited, Hayden did share a few things. She had a very busy day and they were out of the classroom a lot. Hey, I have to take what I get from her!!!  At least she is telling me more than in the past.

I think we at off to a great year!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

1st Day of School Success

Well, the first day of school was a success. Hayden is all excited about her class and teacher. Gracie was all smiles and really excited.  Gracie told me every thing about he day including how many times she went potty. She was even more excited that she got to do PE for the first time. She said they got to play on the playground lots and she wasn't really hungry at lunch because she had muffins at snack time. See, she had plenty of things to say when I picked her up yesterday. The conversation with Hayden went as usual. She liked and had fun.  Oh, and that everyone loved her new tennis shoes. Yep, that is it. That is all she had to say!  So glad hey had a great 1st day.

We love you sweet the moon and back....and infinity!!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First Day of School 2013

Last Friday we had open house for school!  Aunt Linda went with us so that she could help entertain Colton. I hope she knows how much I appreciated it!  Gracie was all smiles, she got Mrs. Sherre. She is going to have such a great year. Hayden got exactly who she wanted so she was all smiles too. She doesn't have a lot of he friends in her class this year but she will make more and see her old friends on the playground. Here's to a great year of 2nd Grade and K4!!!

Mommy loves you to the Moon and Back Angels!!!

This morning is very emotional for me. Gracie goes off to the world of big girl school!  Hayden is in 2nd Grade and before I know Colton will be in school too!  They were excited little angels this morning, especially my baby girl, Pootie.  I read them "The Kissing Hand" last night like I do every year and I actually cried while reading I to them....this morning I kissed their sweet little hands and they closed them tight.  Hayden said that she would treasure my kiss and Gracie said she loved me to the moon and back. I sent them off with more kisses and I love you.  Then I called Mark and cried like a little baby. He has even called to check on me a few times today!

Hayden and Gracie,

We hope you have a wonderful school year. We are so proud of you and we will always be your biggest fans. You will not ever truly know how much we love you.  So as always reach high and aim for the stars my angels.  You two are the smartest, most beautiful and perfect little girls in the world.   We love you to the moon and back. Actually we love you infinity!!!!

Love Always,

Mommy and Daddy

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Pool party!

We all had so much fun at Mimi and Pop's pool party yesterday!  We did some swimming in the rain, I got Hayden to go underwater and look up at the rain drops hitting the pool.  It was pretty neat and she loves it when I go underwater with her. Gracie and Pop hid underneath the slide and a float when it started raining really hard. Colton ate almost a whoe bag of chips wrapped up in a towel with Aunt Vickie. We also played some kind of game like volleyball. Hayden really enjoyed it.  Then Hayden and Mitchell played with water guns and she tried to teach him how to dive.  After all the fun we were all very hungry. We had some yummy hamburgers and hotdogs and lots of other things.  Colton and Maeleigh shared lots of chips and dip and carried on their own conversation, which we didn't understand but they did.  Gracie and Maeleigh played together, Gracie loves holding her hand and showing her things. Colton and Lucas had thei own version of a tea party. Gracie also got to know Katie yesterday, she followed her around trying to be just like her for awhile. It was a fun, fun day!!! Aunt Kim took some great pictures for all of us.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Gymnastic Girls!

Hayden and Gracie both started gymnastics on Monday. They both loved it!  Gracie was so excited and Hayden has been begging to take gymnastics for several years. Neither one wanted to do ballet this time so we are moving on to some new things.  I like that I get to watch them at gymnastics instead of sitting in the car or a waiting room. Colton was a little bit jealous but his time will come. So glad they both enjoyed it and the bet part is that they can both do it on the same day at the same time. That is a major plus for this busy Mommy.

Hayden is also doing Softball, she has had two practices and so far it looks like she is going to play 3rd base again.  So proud of her and how much she loves doing things. Here's to a another great year of sports, gymnastics and school....

Tomorrow is open house for both my girls. Gracie can hardly wait, I hope she stays this excited next week. Hayden is a little pro and looking forward to seeing all her friends.