Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pink Flamingos vs Ladybugs

Hayden and Kierstin are on different soccer teams and last night they had to play against each other.  We also picked Kierstin up from school yesterday so they played all afternoon!  They always have so much fun playing dress up and school.  Once I got them dressed for their game I took a few pictures because they are both #2, just different colors.  They were so cute they kept hugging each other and Kierstin would say GO LADYBUGS and Hayden would so GO PINK FLAMINGOS!

The Ladybugs scored more than us last night but I think they both had fun!  They also play against each other Thursday night too, maybe the Pink Flamingos will score a little more!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Hayden made me so proud last night at her soccer game and herself too for that matter!  She is really doing well, keep in mind that she is NOT an aggressive person so she still will not just take the ball away from anyone on the other team...BUT if the ball is open she will kick all the way down the field and SCORE!!!  I really can't describe how I felt as I watched her...I was cheering her on and the next thing I knew I was louder than anyone else out there and pretty much jumping up and down and even clapping(hopefully I didn't embarrass her but I couldn't help it my excitement just kind of took over)...and I knew she was very proud of herself too, the big smile as she looked over at Mimi,Pop, Kim and myself kind of gave it away.  The whole team did an excellent job helping each other out, I was very impressed with how much they have learned just in two games!  The first thing she had to do when we got in the car was call her Daddy and tell him that she scored a goal.  He was very excited about her and couldn't wait for me to tell him the whole story, sometimes it is hard to understand everything from a four year old point of view.  He was once again very disappointed that he couldn't make it and even a little frustrated that all the games are at 6pm and that he may not get to be at any of them. I told him that she understands and we all know how hard it is on him, he actually handles it a lot better than I would.  I did try to video some of the game for him but I kept forgetting about the video camera when I would get excited.  I will try to do better on Thursday night!   Good Game Hayden!

Friday, September 17, 2010


Hayden told me this morning that I was late getting her to school yesterday!  I said well we got there right on time because you didn't want to get out of the bed and she replied with " I know Mommy but my class was already lined up when I got there"  Then she went on to say "Me and Jay were very late yesterday."  So I told her that we would be on time today, in fact she would even be early.  When we got to the car we had an interested conversation that scared her Daddy a little when I told him about it!

It went like this:

Hayden "Me and Jay held hands to class yesterday since we were late"
Mommy "You held hands with Jay?"
Hayden "yes he is my boyfriend"
Mommy "Jay is your boyfriend"
Hayden "yes he is a really nice guy"
Mommy "well that's good, I'm glad he is nice and he is cute too"
Hayden "I told him he is a silly goose"
Mommy "why is he a silly goose?"
Hayden "because he makes me laugh"

I was trying not to laugh at her but it was hilarious.  She was so funny about it.  Later on I called Mark to tell him about it, he immediately said "well I guess I need to have a talk with Jay"  I started laughing and told him he had a long rode to go and he has TWO pretty girls, it is going to be very interesting!


Well, Mark doesn't have anything to worry after all, when I picked Hayden up today, I asked her if Jay was on time and she said "yes, but he isn't my boyfriend anymore"  I asked her why?  and she said "he hit me today and wasn't nice today" I said "well I thought he was a really nice guy"  and she said "he was but not anymore!"  I really had to hold back on my laughing because sometimes when I laugh it hurts her feelings because she thinks I am picking on her!  I called and told Mark to cancel his visit to the school next week because Jay was no longer a worry! 
I love it!  I never know what she is going to say! 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

2 Year Check Up

Yesterday after I picked up Hayden from school we took Gracie to see Dr. Beeber for her 2 year check up.  I didn't have time to go back home before Gracie's appointment so I packed a lunch for the girls and we just went on to the doctor's office and had a picnic in the car.  They were very patient little girls, I was very proud of them, of course it helped that our car is like a toy box.  Every time we leave the house they have to take something with them, which yesterday came in handy!  Hayden loves to color so she keeps markers and paper in the car, well Gracie got a hold of one of the markers and colored her legs before her appointment.  Needless to say I wasn't impressed but I have finally learned that it doesn't do any good to get upset. I tried to clean it up with a baby wipe and I was able to get most of it off but there was still a little scribble left as evidence for Dr. Beeber to see!    

I already knew that Gracie wasn't going to be happy when we got inside.  She doesn't like for any strangers to touch or talk to her, which could be a good thing, I'm really not sure yet though!  She started crying as soon as Mrs. Pat came into the room...She would NOT stand on the scale or let Mrs. Pat see how tall she was, so I had to hold her and Mrs. Pat weighed both of us and then me by myself, nothing like being weighed at the pediatrician office when you are almost 31 years old!  Then since she wouldn't stand up like a big girl to get her height, she had to lay her down on the table and measure her like a baby, which if you had been in the doctors office...you would have thought we were beating her!  Finally after a struggle our little angel weighs 26lbs and was 35 1/2 inches tall, which translates into 45th percentile for weight and 85th percentile for height!  Go big girl, I was so proud...she is usually only 15th percentile for weight so she has really caught up!  I told Dr. Beeber that she is extremely picky about her food and he said that most 2 year olds are and that we should just keep doing what we are doing and offering her new foods to see if she will like them.  Keep in mind that the whole time he is talking to me, Gracie is screaming "I wanna go home" and so our appointment was one of the fastest ones ever, evidently they like to get the screaming kids out of there before they terrify all the other kids!  After she said that for about the 100th time, he said well I see she is almost talking in complete sentences!  Then he asked if she was scribbling on paper, but then he started laughing as he noticed that she had colored her legs.  I told him yes, that she loves to scribble on everything even Mommy's car, yes that is correct even Mommy's car!  He confirmed that she is a healthy beautiful strong minded little girl.  Then Mrs. Pat had came back to give our little angel two shots, as if she weren't upset enough...she once again almost passed out from holding her breath...Mrs. Pat and Dr. Beeber were just laughing as I left the office.  I am sure they see it all the time, but Hayden has never acted like that so it is all new to me!  

Just some interesting information, I always look back to see where Hayden was at her past appointments each time I take Gracie and believe it or not Hayden weighed 25lbs and was 35 inches at her 2 year check up, so even though Gracie looks smaller she is actually 1lb more and 1/2 inch taller than Hayden was!

Good news is that Gracie doesn't have to have anymore shots until she is 4, well except the flu shot!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Go Hayden!

Last night Hayden had another Soccer game and she did great!  She ran after the ball and even almost scored twice and I think she might have actually scored one time for the other team, but I didn't say anything to her because at least she was trying.  She was totally overwhelmed on Saturday but was very impressive last night.  I couldn't help myself cheering her on, I promised not to be to competitive this time and I even had tears in my eyes at one point.  I know sounds kind of silly but that is how proud I was of her!  She really enjoyed it too!  She got to bring home the pink flamingo mascot for doing such a great job hustling and kicking the ball!  Mark wasn't able to make it to the game, he works in South Georgia and just simply could not make it by 6pm but you should have seen his face when we pulled up in the driveway and I held up the Pink Flamingo Mascot!  Hayden couldn't wait to get out of the car and tell him all about it. I think he was a little sad that he missed it but she understands that it can't be helped.  Mimi, Pop and Kim came to cheer her on too and she loves to look over and just smile at everybody.  Good game Hayden, you always make us a proud Mommy and Daddy!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Go Pink Flamingos

Today was Hayden's first Soccer game!  She is on the Pink Team, otherwise known as the Pink Flamingos!  She looked absolutely adorable in her uniform but I could tell she was a little unsure of what was really going on.  When we got to the field there were thousands of people, not really but that is what it looked like.  She is such a shy little girl so she just stood around twirling her ponytail.  She ran after the ball but you could tell she was to shy to try to take it away from anyone, hopefully now that she understands what the game is all about she will start to open up some!  She said she had fun and I guess that is all that really matters.  I was a little competitive today because I know how good she really can be but Mark informed me that she is 4 and she will learn as she goes.  As a Mommy I just want her to always try her hardest and do her best and that is what she did today, so I am a proud Mommy!  GO PINK FLAMINGOS!!!!

Ready to GO!

Game Face:

You Ready?

Paying close attention:

She is ALWAYS beautiful!

Gracie enjoyed the game too!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pop's 80th Birthday Party

Yesterday was my Pop's 80th birthday!  We went to Mema and Pop's house to cook steaks and celebrate.  I think Pop really enjoyed his special day.  The weather was perfect, so we got to sit outside in the fresh air.  Pop really enjoyed being outside, he can't get around as good as he used to.  We had a feast...yummy steaks, baked potatoes, salad and garlic bread, there was enough food to feed everyone in Social Circle.  We laughed because Pop cleaned his plate not once but twice, he said that it was the best thing he has had to eat in a long time. We gave him some presents and then we had ice cream cake, the good kind from Dairy Queen.  The girls had so much fun playing outside with everybody.  I really enjoyed being with all of our family today, it was truly a great birthday celebration for a very special Pop!  My Pop as always been a very big part of my life, I love him so much and it was so great to see the big smile on his face yesterday!

Gracie took her motorcycle to show off :

Pop enjoying being outside...
Nana and Steve...
Everybody just relaxing...
Yummy COKE!
Happy Birthday Pop!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Gracie

Dear Gracie,

Today you are Two, my how time does fly.  It seems like just yesterday you were born.  It was exactly 1:04pm when you, my precious,  patient 8lbs 8oz, 21in little girl made your arrival!  You entered our lives at the perfect time with your amazing smile.  I still believe that you knew that is just what Mommy and Daddy needed! In fact Grandmama's exact words when she met you for the first time were "this baby came into the world smiling"  and you really did.    Your smile is truly Amazing!

You are definitely a happy little girl.  Although you can be very determined, sometimes in a good way and other times in a bad way. You get very upset with yourself when you fall down, it makes you mad and embarrassed. You also get upset when you just can't quite do something by yourself, you are very independent!  However now that you a talking more, you have stopped saying "No" all the time.  That has been your favorite word for the past couple of months and we sure are glad it was just a phase. 

You have had many accomplishments in the last year...walking, talking, climbing on everything,  following instructions, running, and now almost making complete sentences when you talk.  I think Hayden has also taught you a whole lot, she is such a great big sister.  She makes sure that if you need help she is right there to help you, like when you go down the steps, she always makes sure you hold her hand and when you climb up the big swing set ladder to go down the slide, which makes Mommy very nervous, but that smile on your face says everything as you are flying down the slide! 

I think your favorite thing to do is to play with Hayden, you can hardly wait for her to get home from school so you can follow her around, but on the other hand you also enjoy it when she is at school because you get to go into her room and play with all the things she usually says you can't touch.  I love to watch you color, you lay on your tummy and scribble all over the page working so hard to make it perfect, it is one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.  You have an incredible imagination already, you take care of all of your baby dolls and love them just like a real Mommy.  I love listening you talk to your babies, feed them and push them all around the house and yard in the baby stroller.  

You are always making us laugh especially when you make your mad face, which consists of poking your lips out, it kind of looks like you want a kiss except for the eyes scrunched all up says differently, and when you copy everything your sister does and when you are just being plain silly, I think you get that from your Daddy! We did think that you were going to be very outgoing, but as you get older we have realized that you are going to by shy just like Hayden.  You do not like it when strangers talk to you..you immediately turn your head and hold your arms out for Mommy to pick you up. 

Gracie Leigh we love you so much.  You are a beautiful, intelligent, silly, exciting, perfect little girl.  You always make a bad day turn into a good one!  You are such a loving baby, you are at your happiest when you are all cuddled up in my lap.  I love all my snuggle time I get with you and so does Daddy.  Right now you are still a Mommy's girl, which is perfectly fine with me but I think you are slowly turning into a Daddy's girl!  You are so precious to us!  We love you and can't wait to see what accomplishments you make in the next year!


Mommy, Daddy and Hayden