Thursday, January 29, 2015

Snow World

Sunday we went to Snow World at Lake Lanier. It was so much fun.  Aunt Kim and Uncle Artie and Mimi went too.  The kids were so excited.  The first ride, Colton couldn't do by himself, which did not make him happy.  However, he got to ride with Daddy and Aunt Kim so it was okay.  Gracie had to ride right beside Aunt Kim so that she could hold her tube.  Hayden and Artie had fun riding beside each other too.  Then it was on to some faster rides.  Colton wasn't big enough, so Mark and Mimi entertained him in one of the kiddie play areas.  Artie and Hayden went at the same time and of course Hayden loved it and was ready to go again.  It looked pretty fast and I was a little worried that Gracie may change her mind but she didn't.  Kim and Gracie came down at the same time and Gracie loved it too.  It looked like so much fun that I even gave it a try.  It was fast and fun.  They tried to catch a picture of me but I was too fast for them.  Then it was onto the bigger slides, which even Mommy was chicken to ride.  Hayden, Gracie and Colton were ready to go though.  Colton even got to ride it by himself.  He was such a big boy and smiled all the way down.  Hayden and Gracie were next and were ready to go over and over again.  Colton, did it twice but decided there were too many stairs to climb to go again.  Hayden and Kim did the super fast yellow slide and to my surprise Hayden loved it and did it more than once.  Gracie didn't try the yellow one, she just wasn't quite ready for that.  Then it was ferris wheel time. I rode with Hayden, Kim rode with Gracie and Mark rode with Colton.  Hayden was scared and pretty much said she wouldn't do it again.  It kept stopping at the very top with us.  I must admit I wasn't a huge fan myself, being that I really don't like heights.  Gracie didn't get scared and neither did Colton.  There was also a big huge snowball fight.  Hayden tried really hard to win but I think Artie might have beat her.  It was such a fun day.  Thanks again Mimi and Pop we loved our Christmas present.

After lots of fun we were starving and thirsty, so we headed to have a little Mexican.  It was very yummy and then it was time to head home.  Colton and Gracie fell asleep on the way home.  Hayden stayed awake and read. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Pajama Day For Hayden

Yesterday, Aunt Linda picked Hayden up from school and watched Colton and Hayden while Gracie and I went to baton.  With that being said, Colton had a busy day yesterday.  He went to school and came home and played hard.  He also spent the afternoon playing outside and riding his bike.  Lets just say that you know you are all worn out when you literally fall asleep playing with your toys.  He is the only one of my kids that can just fall asleep doing anything.  He used to fall asleep eating in his high chair all the time.  However, this is the first time he has ever fallen asleep playing with his trucks, cars and tractors.   He ended up sleeping in that shirt all night because I have learned one thing over the last 9 years....Do not EVER wake up a sleeping baby!

Today is Pajama Day for Hayden.  She was so excited because technically Pajama Day was supposed to end after K5 but the 3rd graders approached Mr. Cloud and asked him if they could wear their pajamas if the whole 3rd grade promised to read 100 books on the same day.  He gladly agreed.  They were so proud of themselves.  So today my almost 9 year old took her pillow, stuffed Monkey and two books to have a very fun day at school.  I am so glad she has a wonderful school and teachers.  It really makes a difference.  Oh and she did pack her bedroom shoes in her book bag. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Movie Day

Today Mimi and Aunt Linda met us at the Top Dawg Tavern in Bethlehem to eat a pretty good lunch before going to see Paddington.  Of course, just because we had lunch first didn't stop my three from wanting popcorn and drinks when we got to the movie.  Colton ate more popcorn than I think any of us did.  He absolutely loves popcorn.  He must get that from his Mimi.  The movie was a great movie for kids.  Colton even watched the whole movie and followed it.  The best parts were when all three of them would get tickled.  Gracie has a very sensitive tickle box, once she gets tickled she stays that way for a while.   They really enjoyed all of it.  It was a fun day off of school.  Thanks Mimi and Linda, we love you both!

Gracie isn't feeling well.  Imagine that!  I think one of my kids has been sick for months now.  I have said it before and I am going to say it again.  I am ready for SUMMER.  I took Gracie by to see Aunt Kim and so far it is just viral.  Hopefully she will feel much better in the morning. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Looking for Treasures

The lake is down at Grandmama's house, so it was time to do a little cleaning up and looking for treasures.  Mark helped clean up and the kids of course looked for treasures and crystals.  They were so excited this morning.  Gracie said she wasn't getting into the mud, but it wasn't bad at all.  They didn't even have to change clothes after they were done.  We didn't let them go out too far because Aunt Linda had to rescue a little girl that sank to her waist earlier in the week.  They did find some clams, crystals and some shells.  Colton was more interested in the chain saws and watching them cut stuff down.  He took his own little chain saw too, but he is really disappointed that it doesn't really cut down anything.  He kept telling every one that it wasn't a real saw!   I enjoyed sitting on the dock in the warm sunshine and looking at how pretty the sunshine was on the lake!  I am glad we have had a couple of pretty, sunshine days.  We all really needed it; so tired of being confined inside the house.  Hayden, Colton and Mark slept all the way home and Gracie sang with the radio and kept me company.  That little girl loves music.  She kept saying "turn it up Mama."  That is another thing in the last week, she no longer calls me Mommy....I am now Mama.  However, they better not ever call me MOM.  I can handle Mama but not MOM! 

This is a little off topic but talking about the Mommy / Mama stuff made me think about it.  Hayden recently made me a card while they were doing crafts and playschool.  In this card she put...I love my Mama because she always takes care of me and she is always there for me when I need her.  Yeah, I cried.  It meant a lot to hear that from my almost 9 year old! 

Ok back to my topic. When we got home Hayden made sure to clean all of her crystals.  They really are very pretty and sparkly.  Gracie rested by catching up on a little TV.  I guess she will clean her crystals later.  Colton helped Mark cut up some more fire wood.  Evidently there is a chance of snow in the next week.  I better make sure we stay stocked up on milk and bread!  Then the girls wanted to ride their bikes down the driveway.  I took them and enjoyed the nice sunshine as I walked the driveway.  I am going to have to get me a bike pretty soon.  I want one just like Hayden's.  I was a little bit jealous watching them have so much fun and we have a pretty long driveway!  Once again Gracie did a great job.  I really can't put into words how proud I am of her.  I could hear her talking to herself as she was riding at the end of the driveway.  It was something like "Here comes Gracie Leigh Stancil riding her purple bike."  I just laughed to myself because I didn't want to embarrass her.  It was funny because even Hayden was telling her how proud she was of her too!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Who Needs Training Wheels

Today was the first really pretty day we have had in weeks, so we decided to let the kids ride their bikes down the driveway and play.  Mark taught Colton how to ride his new motorcycle bike today.  He mastered it within minutes.  That little boy is determined and can do anything.  Oh and he isn't scared to try anything either.  He was so proud of himself too.  When he would stop, he would turn around and say " I did it".  It is amazing to me that a 3 1/2 year old can ride with no training wheels!  I love watching them be so excited about stuff.  Mark is a great teacher too!  I think he really enjoyed today too! 

Gracie is not a fearless as Colton.  She can ride her bike just fine but she gets scared very easily. Which means that she doesn't try many new things in the fear of falling off.  With that being said the other night she stood in front of all of us and sang the Frozen theme songs.  She sang loud and proud and when she finished she informed us that she can do anything that she wants if she tries.  I am glad to know that she listens.  Well, today she proved that she could ride her bicycle with no problems. 
She mastered riding all the way back down the driveway and won the race against her brother and sister.  You should have seen the smile on her face when we caught up to her.  She said "mommy I did it and you didn't even have to help me."  That is what makes all the hard work worth it.  That is also one of the best feeling as a watch them conquer and succeed.  She has been talking about it all afternoon.

Hayden is a pro as usual.  I think she may have felt a little left out today at first.  She knows how to do all the stuff they are working on.  So, she decided to ride her bike as fast as she could and show off a little bit too.  She was really going.  The Mommy in me really wanted to tell her to slow it down but the child in me knew she was not going to because she was having a great time. 

It was a wonderful, successful day of riding bikes.  I am so proud of all three of them!  I love them all to the moon and back and infinity!

Oh, One more funny thing for todays blog.  Mark tried to sneak out for a little bit to go to the store.  Colton wants to be just like Daddy, including going everywhere Daddy goes.  When he went in to kiss him, he said "Daddy where you going."  Mark said " to a store that doesn't have anything."  Colton was okay at first, then he started pouting and saying he wanted to go.  So Mark told him to get his coat.  He was so excited that he got to go with his Daddy.  With that being said Colton didn't want the girls to go too.  So when they asked where they were going, Colton innocently said " to a store that doesn't have anything."  Just goes to show you they do listen to every thing you say whether you think so or not!  The girls were not interested to go to a store that doesn't have anything so they stayed home with me.