Saturday, December 29, 2012

First Haircuts

Gracie Leigh finally had her first haircut at 4 years old.  It was getting long and very tangled at night.  Aunt Beth took care of it for us though.  She cut a couple of inches off of it in a little ponytail so I could put it in the baby book.  Gracie was such a big girl and excited to get a haircut.  Her little haircut is adorable on her, it is about shoulder length and hangs in beautiful curls. 

We also had Aunt Beth cut off Colton's little curl in the back.  Then we took him to see Belinda this morning for his first haircut.  Aunt Beth didn't think she was fast enough to cut his the way his daddy wanted it.  It was a family expierence.  He got to watch a movie, sit in an airplane and play with toys while getting his first haircut.  He was so good.  I was very proud of him.  He did get a little restless at the end but after all he is a very busy little man.  He looks so big now and his daddy is very proud of his haircut. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

Well Christmas has come and gone another year!  It seems like it came really fast this year.  Hayden has been so excited this year, which meant so was Gracie.  I love that they also know that the most important thing is baby Jesus too.  I have 3 very happy babies.    They were so excited about Santa this year.  They are a little sad that Chipper had to go back to the North Pole but he will be back next year.  I think Daddy might be glad that little Elf left, Chipper has it out for Daddy.   Mimi and Pop were here Christmas morning waiting for them to see their goodies from Santa.  They were very surprised and excited to see them too. I am pretty sure Mimi and Pop loved it too.   Hayden got her I touch, Gracie got her American doll bed, and Colton got a 4 wheeler!  My babies are so very blessed to have so many people that love them and will do anything for them.  Mimi and Pop gave us all so much, Hayden got a desk to match her American doll desk and her face was priceless.  Gracie got a new fancy doll stroller that she hasn't quit playing with yet.  Colton got a big dump truck with blocks that he loves.  Aunt Kim and Uncle Artie were also very good to all of us.  Hayden got lots of American girl doll stuff and new cowgirl boots. Gracie got lots of American girl doll stuff and two pairs of cowgirl boots.   Colton got a brand new 6 volt Polaris jeep and he knows how to work it and LOVES it.  They were all good to Mark and I too.  I am blogging from my new iPad!!!!  Hopefully this will help me blog more often.  Thanks to everyone for everything this year.  We love all of you!!!

I almost forgot about the gifts that Mark and I bought for them.  Hayden got her first REAL gun, it is a 22 Rascal and guess is hot pink with a fancy scope on it just for her.  Mark really got into this present, he is tired of barbies, pink and girlie stuff...however I did make him buy the PINK gun instead of black!  Gracie got a Jeep for her American girl doll and envelopes.  Yes, envelopes...she steals all of mine and she was very excited about them.  Colton got tractors and trucks and he has played with all of them.  He loves his tractor that plays music and makes really, really loud sounds.  They were very pleased and surprised with their gifts.  It was so much fun watching them.   Hayden, Gracie and Colton...Mommy and Daddy love you all to the moon and back!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Parties

Today I really needed to be in two places at one time.  Hayden and Gracie's parties were at the same time.  I went to Gracie's first because Hayden is good without me.  Even though I really did want to be at both.  When we got done with Gracie's, we went to Hayden's party.  Gracie and Colton played in Mimi's office while I went to the end of Hayden's party.  My sweet girl was perfectly fine with me coming in at the end of the party.  She got up and gave me a big ole hug.  It was a fun day for Colton, he made all kinds of new friends.  He really enjoyed himself, this is the first time I let him run around instead of fighting with the stroller.  It was a good day!  Glad we are out for the holidays.  Let the countdown to Christmas begin!

The girls are so excited about Santa and all the presents that are wrapped under our tree.  They can hardly wait.  I remember being like that too. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

First Wreck

Well, Hayden had her first bicycle wreck this past weekend.  She was at Mimi and Pop's house going super fast down the driveway and lost control of the bike.   She really skinned up her face and had a cut that required a few butterfly stiches, a busted lip and she really, really, really hurt her pride.  She was more embarrassed than in pain!  Mimi knew exactly what to do and we all met Aunt Kim at her office for her to check her out and fix her up.  She was such a big girl and is fine now.  She was embarassed to go to school because of the way her face looks, so I walked her in and everyone in her class gave her a hug and told her that they were sorry she was hurt.  She had a good day and was ready to go back today.  I love my sweet girl so much and I am so proud of her!

I also got Hayden's ITBS scores back yesterday and it is confirmed she is very intelligent.  She scored the best in Language and Math.  She is so smart and doing such a great job.  Aim high and reach for those stars baby girl!  You will always be our shining star!  We love you to the moon and back!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Oh my Gosh!

Chipper is still entertaining our babies!  He can make messes and all sorts of stuff.  He did have to leave them a letter the other night to remind them of a few things.

It said:

Hayden remember to listen and do as your told.
Gracie do not cut up our Christmas cards that we recieve in the mail(yes she really did do this to the first two we got)
Colton remember to listen and no hitting!

This morning Chipper caught a big fish!  When Gracie saw it she said " Oh my GOSH, that fish has a mush mash(mustache)! That is one word that she cannot say correctly yet! I couldn't stop laughing.  The fish doesn't have a mustache but I guess at 4 years old it looks that way!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chipper and The Christmas Program

Chipper on his way to see Santa and all of his friends waiting patiently on the door frame for their turn!

Chipper has it out for Daddy.  He stole his stocking and replaced them with Santa's underwear!

He colored all of their noses red! However, washable markers are not always real washable!  Hayden said "I am definitely not going to school like this".

Last night was the Chirstmas program at GWA.  Hayden was from Japan.  Isn't she lovely?  The first graders only sang but she sang her very best!  She is such a sweet, sweet girl!

Colton and Gracie wanted to take a picture with her before we left.  Too bad my flash made it look fuzzy because it was such a sweet picture. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Santa Pictures and Videos

Last Saturday we saw Santa!  This year Gracie was so excited, and I was relieved.  Santa is so loving, he just hugs and kisses on them.  He told us that we were so very blessed and boy was he right.  Hayden wants an i touch and American Girl Doll desk, Gracie wants an American Girl doll bed and pretend kitty and Lalaloopsy doll, and Colton wants tools and tractors.  I am pretty sure that they will get what is on their list. 

Last night they all 3 got their email from Santa.  Hayden and Gracie's face was priceless and they answer his questions and nod their head.  Hayden and Gracie made the good list and they were so excited.  However, Little Colt Man made the nice and naughty list.  You should have seen Hayden and Gracie's faces when they heard that.  It was so funny!  Hayden knew he would be on the naughty list!  I love making all of these memories for them! 

These pictures are adorable and now I have to figure out Christmas cards, so much to do and so little time to get it all done.  This is by far the best Santa ever. 

Hayden's Christmas Tree Presentation

Hayden got a beautiful tree from her Seniors last Friday.  She has two wonderful Seniors that care a lot about her.  Madison is so sweet and has really spent a lot of time with Hayden.  Sue Anna is very outgoing and encourages Hayden to not be so shy.  She is a very lucky little girl and they are lucky Seniors too.  Anyone that gets to know Hayden is a lucky person because she is such a special little girl.  The first picture is now Gracie's tree in their room.  Then the next one is my tree in the living room, the girls had so much fun helping me decorate it. 


Pictures of Chipper

Finally, here are the pictures of our Elf, Chipper!  I know that everyone has been very anxious to see the them!  The girls love Chipper and it is so exciting watching their faces every morning.