Mema and Pop:
Don't tell Mema I took this she would say she looks awful...
Don't tell Mema I took this she would say she looks awful...

We went to Nana and Steve's house next. Steve's birthday is on Halloween, so Hayden made her special cupcakes. Steve wanted chocolate cupcakes, but Hayden said he really needed strawberry ones(that is her favorite) so we ended up making both. I figured everyone would be happy that way. We also took him a funny card and a Georgia Bulldog mug. He was very excited about his cupcakes and gift and of course Hayden and Gracie both gave him special hugs. Nana had bought all kinds of different candy at the store, stuff I forgot they even make, but Hayden has tried it all now and says it is all delicious.
Nana and the girls:

We stopped at Kim's house next. Pop and Mimi came to Kim's to see the princesses! Mimi and Pop gave Hayden a HUGE apple (the biggest one ever), band aids(which Hayden will use in one day), and candy. Gracie got lots of suckers, that is about all we trust her with so far. She still doesn't have a lot of teeth, but I did let her try the mini M&M's(she liked those)! Hayden loves to play with Aunt Kim and Gracie just kind of tags along right now, but it won't be much longer and she will be right in the middle of everything. Gracie decided to show Pop that she can walk last night, she stood up and took several steps and Pop told Mimi that when she would fall back down it was the cutest thing ever because her Tinkerbell dress just fell perfectly around her( I thought it was very sweet too). Maybe today will be the day she takes off across the living room!!!
Heath and Alisha were are final stop. Alisha always gives Hayden lots of candy on Halloween, but she also got a cupcake, play doh, and books this year. Alisha decided the play doh would stay at their house, since I am not such a big fan of that stuff, but she played with Hayden in her kitchen floor for a long time and Gracie was so tired by this point she was just crawling around checking everything out. When Gracie is being still, you know she is really tired! When we got home the girls went right to sleep.
We got up this morning and met Kim, Pop and Mimi at the Monroe Country Club for breakfast and to watch a magic show. We were lucky, our table was right in the front so we could see everything. The breakfast was delicious. Hayden had almost two waffles, strawberries, and hot chocolate. She is going to want that everyday now! Gracie had lots of gravy, eggs, and hash browns. Hayden really enjoyed the Magician, it was a very good show and perfect for kids. At the end of the show he made a bunny appear underneath a little house, and of course that is all she has talked about this morning. She says that was her favorite part!
Hayden watching the Magician:
Gracie enjoying her breakfast:
Thanks to everyone for all the gifts and candy for our girls! They are so blessed and loved by everyone!
They look adorable!!!