Thursday, October 22, 2009

Such a Pretty Pony...

Artie and Kim gave Hayden a Rocking Horse for her 1st Christmas, we heard the pretty pony song over and over again, now Gracie likes the pretty pony song so here we go again. It has been one of the more popular toys at our house. Gracie still doesn't really know how it works, she just thinks it is funny to hear the song and let Hayden help her rock. She is all smiles when she is playing on the Pony, and of course Hayden still likes to play on it too! Hayden told Mark and I last night that she has had that Pony for a LONG time, but she will share with Gracie now. She has to be the most thoughtful and smartest 3 year old I know!!!


  1. I think you should record video this so everyone can enjoy the song. ????? Does this mean that Hayden needs a larger pony for Christmas??? Fence??? Wire????

  2. Mark says Hayden can't have a Pony without the Fence!
