I turned 30 last Sunday on Oct. 4th. It has taken me a while to post about it because Hayden got sick Saturday night and Mark and I ended up at the doctor with her on Monday morning. She was so pitiful and tired, she couldn't sleep because her throat hurt so bad. Her little eyes were so swollen when we got to Dr. Beeber's office and she had a fever of 102.6, and that is enough to freak Mark and I out completely. Dr. Beeber said she had the croup and ended up given her 2 shots on Monday and wanted to see her back on Tuesday morning. Hayden says the shots are magic, she felt so much better Monday afternoon. We were hoping that she wouldn't have to have anymore shots on Tuesday, but Dr. Beeber still heard a little rattle in her upper chest, so she had to have 2 more shots (poor baby). She has to be the bravest little girl I have ever seen, she is never scared at the Doctor no matter what they have to do and believe me I would be screaming if it was me. Gracie started running a fever on Monday afternoon, Dr. Beeber and Aunt Kim both think she was trying to fight off a virus. As of today they have both had a normal temperature for 24hrs (YAY)!
On Saturday Oct 3rd I went to visit my Daddy with Uncle Randy. Mark got up early and took the girls birthday shopping in Madison for me. After they got done shopping, they came to visit Papa Malcom too. They don't really know my daddy, but the strange thing is that I don't really know him anymore either. I have always been a Daddy's girl, but when my parents got divorced I got older things changed. My daddy is completely confined to a wheelchair now and doesn't talk a whole lot. It is hard for me to see him that way, he is supposed to be the man that can do anything! We had a nice visit and then we came home to see Nana and Steve.
Nana wanted to give me my birthday present early, and see the girls. She gave me a very pretty ring, pink purse, and pink billfold. It was a very nice birthday present, she knows my birthday is very hard for me because I had a miscarriage on my birthday two years ago and even though I have moved on and am as happy as can be, I will always think about it on my birthday.
After Nana gave me her present, Hayden decided that her and Gracie needed to give me my present too. Hayden came walking out on the porch with a dozen of pink roses (I LOVE FLOWERS) and a bag full of stuff. Mark, Hayden and Gracie had picked me out a Georgia Bulldog watch, pin and diaper bag (I think Mark was tired of carrying around a pink one). It was perfect, they did a great job. Mark also planned a small party inviting some friends over to celebrate me getting OLD. I always make cupcakes for every one's birthday, so Mark and Hayden made me some chocolate cupcakes to eat with our family on Sunday. It was interesting watching them do it, and Mark even made me a very small personal cake with Hershey Kisses on the top. We bought pizza and wings for dinner so I wouldn't have to cook and clean. It was fun getting together with everyone! Thank you to my wonderful Husband for making my birthday such a special day!!!
Sunday Mimi, Pop, Kim and Artie came over to celebrate and eat the cupcakes. They brought dinner (steaks, potatoes, bread and salad). It was all delicious!!! They also brought presents. Kim and Artie gave me a $50 Visa card(YAY). Mimi and Pop gave me a beautiful Vera Bradley purse, that I really wanted. It was a great day, except that Hayden didn't feel good at all as I said before.
Thanks to everyone for a wonderful 30th Birthday!
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