Gracie is a big girl now! No more baby bottles for her, she is only drinking out of a cup now. I finally found the perfect cups for her, she actually liked the same cups Hayden did when she stopped taking the bottle. I guess they are more alike than I thought. She is so cute sitting in the middle of the living room with her head leaned back drinking out of her cups. She hasn't had a bottle all week, so yesterday I cleaned all the bottles really good and packed them up. It felt good to put them away. Now if we could get her to start walking she would officially be a toddler instead of an infant, kind of sad when you think of it like that. My baby is growing up too fast, but she gets more and more entertaining every day.
Gracie now loves to give love (big hugs and kisses). She gets so excited when her Daddy gets home, she crawls right to him and waits on him to pick her up and she gives him a big big hug and sometimes he even gets a kiss. She usually saves all her kisses for Mommy and Hayden. Hayden now gets upset when she tells Gracie to give her love and Gracie won't do it. I have to explain to Hayden that she only does it when she wants to! She follows Hayden everywhere and they play everything together from playing in the kitchen, dress up, blocks, and baby dolls. I am so glad Hayden enjoys playing with her little sister. They will play in their bedrooms forever and just when you think that they are the sweetest kids ever, Gracie starts screaming. When I ask Hayden what happened, she always says "I didn't do it", which definitely mean she did do it. I told Hayden the other day when Gracie starts talking she is going to be able to tell on her, so she better be nice to her sister.
I love listening to them play and watch them when they don't know I am, they are in their own little world. Hayden tries to keep Gracie in line, when Gracie is doing something she isn't supposed to be Hayden will say "No, No Gracie we don't do that". When they are playing with the baby dolls, Hayden tries to explain to Gracie how to feed the baby and change diapers. Gracie just sits there and laughs, she thinks Hayden is the funniest person ever. One of my favorite things is when we are driving down the road, Hayden will do something silly and Gracie just laughs and laughs. Of course, once Hayden realizes how funny Gracie thinks she is, she keeps doing over and over again. Sometimes I call Mark so he can hear the beautiful sound of laughter that surrounds us. It is the best sound in the world, the sweet innocent laughs our precious girls.
Trying to catch Hayden:

Sweet and Innocent:

Big Hugs:
Big Kisses:

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