Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Yearly Calendar

Today I had a few errands to run before I picked Hayden up from Preschool so I left a little earlier, but ended up getting finished with everything before 12:30. Gracie doesn't like to sit in car pool for too long, she starts yelling in the back seat. Mimi had something for me to pick up at the school, so I went by to get it and convinced Mimi to go through car pool with us today. I thought it would be a nice surprise for Hayden. Hayden was surprised to see Mimi and very happy too! I ask her if she got in trouble today and she said no but Grant did because he pushed her down and Paxton was mean to her too! Apparently on the playground they were running and Grant got a little to excited and pushed Hayden down, so he had to go on the yellow light and sit out and watch everyone else play. Mimi asked her what she did today and she said she made a bird feeder out of a doughnut. Mimi and I were a little confused, but she kept saying it was a doughnut with peanut butter and bird food. Well when we got home this is what I found in her book bag!!!

It is actually a bagel but to a three year old I suppose it does look like a doughnut! It was really cute and she is very proud of it, she is planning on making lots more.

Since it was such a beautiful day today, I thought it would be a good day to put the girls in their Christmas dresses Mimi and Pop bought them and try to get a couple of pictures for my yearly calendar. I try to put a picture that has something to do with each month, but last year Gracie was so little there are not many pictures of them together, so I thought I had a good plan. Well that plan went south fast. Hayden didn't really want to cooperate which made me agitated, so then Hayden got agitated and then Gracie got agitated... Well you get the picture! So we took a break and come inside got some juice and calmed down for a little while and went back out and tried again. I wasn't sure if there would be another perfect day like today. The weather is beautiful and warm, so nobody would be freezing and I wanted to do them outside like the Halloween pictures. I ended up getting some cute pictures, not sure if it is really what I wanted but it is something to work with. I have a whole new respect for photographers when they work by themselves, when one kid was looking the other was taking off across the yard, or crying, or pouting. Here is how our photo shoot went:

It started out with Gracie making faces and a fingerprint on the lens:

Hayden looking and Gracie eating grass:

This is actually one of the best of them together:

Hayden being silly and Gracie not even looking:

Gracie looking and Hayden not paying attention:

Here is Gracie but Hayden has taken off:

Hayden smiling and Gracie is crawling away:

Hayden looking beautiful except she is holding leaf:

I think I had a little too much light but it does make her hair look even more beautiful:

Good picture not enough light though:

Sun shining down on an angel:

Through it all they couldn't resist loving each other:


Finally, a good picture of Gracie:

Yes Mimi, Hayden is rolling in the grass in her new dress:

As you can see we had an interesting photo shoot! I thought everyone would enjoy this! Hopefully they will do better when we go to have professional Christmas pictures done, although last year the pictures were horrible, I guess if nothing else I could always use the one of Hayden rolling down the hill and Gracie almost falling over for our yearly Christmas card. I bet no one else would have anything like it.

1 comment:

  1. I vote for the one of Hayden rolling around to be your Christmas card! Too cute!
