Saturday, October 24, 2009

Punkin Patch

Mark and I took the girls to the Punkin Patch today. Hayden and Gracie had a great time. Hayden enjoyed looking at the goats, bunnies, pigs and chickens. She liked the bunnies the best, we didn't let Gracie get to close...she isn't very nice sometimes. Hayden also rode the cow ride, she really liked it last year, but this year it went a little too fast and she said it was too bumpy. Gracie wasn't to sure about everything but she enjoyed watching all the people. She was very good in her stroller, I keep telling her if she would just walk, she would be able to keep up with Hayden. She has been taking several steps at a time, so I don't think it will be to much longer before she just takes off. She has excellent balance and she knows how to do, I think she is still just a little scared. We let Hayden and Gracie pick out the pumpkin this year. They did an excellent job, it is a very pretty pumpkin. Then we let Hayden pick out a smaller pumpkin, so that she can draw on it or do whatever she wants to do to it. Gracie got a small pumpkin to, but I don't think we will trust her with markers, paint, or crayons...last week she ate a green crayon while I was at the grocery store. When I got home her teeth and everything were green. I left Mark and Hayden in charge, I think they thought it was funny, Hayden couldn't wait to tell me when I got back home.

Here are some pictures of our fun morning. I will post more pictures after we carve and decorate the pumpkins tomorrow afternoon.

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