Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fall Festival at Preschool

Today Gracie and I went to Fall Festival at the Preschool with Hayden. We got there about 11:30, Hayden came walking in with her class, she didn't even notice we were there until Stephanie said something to her. When she realized we were there her little eyes brightened up. She is very,very shy I don't guess I have ever really noticed it before. The teachers have to encourage her to do things, instead of her just running around like the other kids. She stands back and watches everyone else. I really don't think we have to worry about her getting into to much trouble at school, unless she acts differently in the classroom. I was always very shy when I was little too! I was always scared everywhere we went that they would make me do something in front of everyone, looking back now it was really silly, but I am not that shy anymore. I guess Hayden will grow out of it too! The festival included some fun little games for them to walk around and play. Hayden got her face painted, she wanted a white flower. Then they played the bean bag toss and took pictures with the scarecrow. Hayden's favorite game was the parachute. All the kids liked to run underneath it and scream. I would have to say it was the best game there. Hayden played it several times!

After playing the games, one of the Room Mothers had sugar cookies with orange icing and sprinkles, candy corn and sour worms. Great combination for no napping children this afternoon!!! They all got to decorate their cookies the way they wanted it, believe it or not Hayden didn't even really like the cookie. I don't think she is really crazy about sugar cookies, but she LOVES chocolate chip cookies! It was fun to watch her in her class and with the other kids.

Gracie had fun too! She was actually the loudest kid there, and no I am not kidding. She did good in her stroller for a little while and then she wanted down. I told her if she would start walking she would be able to play with the other kids, she didn't really care and proceeded to scream until I let her down! I told Mrs. Christie that Hayden might be shy but Gracie is definitely going to be a handful! Mark and I joke about when she starts school, we think she might stay on the yellow and red light. Hopefully she will be good like her big sister!

On a different note: Gracie went on her first ride with Hayden last weekend, she was holding on very tight:


Decorating her cookie:

Parachute Game:

Getting her Face Painted:

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