Thursday, October 15, 2009

Disney on Ice

Last night we went to see Disney on Ice with Pop, Mimi and Kim. It was a long ride there, Hayden kept asking "Are we there yet", so Aunt Kim tried to keep her occupied by letting her play with her phone. Gracie would be fine one minute and screaming very loudly the next. She goes from happy to mad in one second. We finally got there about 20 minutes before the show started, but we had to get something to eat fast. Gracie had to eat something for dinner, I didn't feed her before we left because I knew she would really want whatever we ate. She loves chicken nuggets and french fries. She can eat more chicken nuggets at one time than Hayden. Of course Hayden was to excited to eat any dinner, but I figured one night just on junk food wouldn't hurt her. After we ate really fast, we went to find our seats, and would you believe that there was a couple sitting in our seats! Once we got settled, Hayden decided she wanted to sit beside Kim. She was so excited and couldn't wait to see the Princesses. She really wanted to see Sleeping Beauty, and you would know that she was the only princess that wasn't there. She still enjoyed everything else though. I don't think she was to sure about the Halloween part, it was kind of scary looking for young children. Gracie enjoyed the show too. At first she just sat in my lap taking in all in. She really liked standing up and holding on to the chairs in front of us, but I was scared she would slip and fall. She was very good, she only screamed out and got mad a couple of times, but it was so loud in there no one ever knew. It sounded like she was cheering the characters on like everyone else.

Of course because Hayden didn't have any dinner she had to have cotton candy and a snow cone. Every time they came through with something, Hayden would tell Mimi she wanted one. She knows who to go to when she wants something. Aunt Kim bought the cotton candy and Mimi and Pop bought the snow cone. Then she spotted the blinking toys and had to have one of those too! Mimi has a hard time saying No, but that is okay that what Mimi's are for! The girls had so much fun and were so tired they were both sound asleep before we ever got back on the interstate. I think everyone had a great time, I know I did! I love Disney, I guess that is where the girls get it from. We really appreciate everything Pop, Mimi and Kim do for us!!! Hayden is already wanting to go back again tonight! I told her to call Mimi(HaHa)!

Oh, I almost forgot... Gracie loves cotton candy and snow cones too!!! It was the first time she has had those kinds of treats!!!

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