Monday, April 20, 2015

UGA Softball Game Tour

Yesterday, Hayden's team got to tour the Georgia Softball players locker room and were supposed to go on the field for the national anthem.  Thanks to Aunt Kim and Uncle Artie for setting this up for the girls!  They did get to do their tour but the rain messed up the rest of the day and game.  That is ok thought, because Hayden got to meet her favorite player Alex Hugo!  All the girls were extremely shy and looked to be in shock.  So this Mommy turned on my assertiveness and told Alex that Hayden hit her first real home run over the fence at her last game.  Alex got up and hugged her.  Hayden said she asked her how old she was and she told her 9 and she said Alex said "wow good job girl".  I think it is safe to say that it totally made her day!  It was also Alex's birthday but the girls were all too shy to sing to her!  All the players were very nice and talked to the girls.  It was worth all of it for Hayden to meet Alex.  That is all she talks about....How she wants to hit just like Alex. Hayden works very hard on her hitting.   The hitting coach that we use was also a player at Georgia and Hayden loves and gets so excited about going every week. 

Thanks Aunt Kim and Uncle Artie, it was a great experience

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