Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Daddy brought home a big surprise last night.  The kids had no idea that Rascal was finally coming to live with us.  We moved the pen Sunday and got him a big, fancy doghouse too.  I knew but decided not to say anything.  When Daddy pulled up they were all playing outside.  I watched from the kitchen window as they realized that he had Rascal. They were so excited! 

Rascal he one chubby, sweet puppy.  The kids are heaven.  Hershey, our cat watched from the kitchen window.  I'm thinking that she is not a big fan of Rascal yet.  She stayed in the window just watching with her tail straight in the air! 

Rascal is already very playful and using those teeth of his.  He bites on Colton's shirts, Hayden's hair and Gracie's leggings! 

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