Saturday, April 25, 2015

Home Run Club

I didn't even know that there was a club called the Home Run Club....but there is.....and Hayden is now part of it! 

They had a heck of a game Thursday.  It was a close, tense game until the Bulldogs pulled away with a ton of runs in the 5th inning.  Hayden had another amazing hit!  However, every time she came up to hit there were two outs!  That really stresses me out but she always pulls through with awesome hits and gets the girls home. She know clears her head before she hits.  She taps the bat on her cleats and then takes a few swings and a few deep breaths.  I think she may have learned this from watching Hugo but whatever works for her!

After the big win of the game.  The Recreation Department came over and presented Hayden with her Home Run Club T Shirt.  The whole team, coaches and parents were cheering her on.  There were lots of pictures taken.  One of her teammates even said she felt like she was standing beside someone famous.

We are so proud of Hayden and this huge accomplishments.  She has wanted that Home Run for a long time.  She has a whole lot of natural talent but she works of butt off too.  She practices all the time and she loves it.  We all do.  We load up and go to the fields to practice hitting and pitching.  Colton and Gracie run bases and pick up balls and we all participate.  It is so much fun doing it all together. 

Hayden's hitting coach told her something yesterday that really stuck out.  She told her that home runs are accidents, line drives are what we want to hit but when it goes over that is just a bonus and lots of excitement.  I though that was some very valuable information. 

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