Monday, April 6, 2015

Catching up again

Well here we are once again and I am extremely behind on the blog.

First of all we have been very busy with softball, baton and school.

Hayden got the game ball at her last Softball game.  She hit the ball the further than any girl her age ever has.  It was priceless.  It was so priceless that this Mommy was crying while she proudly ran her bases for a homerun.  I guess I was so proud of her the tears just came out!  She had two other hard hit far balls that night too.  She has been playing 3rd base very well.  She has caught many line drives and pop ups so far this season.  She recently made a great double play! 

Hayden also had the state fair project two weeks ago.  Her state was Montana, which worked well for our proud cowgirl.  She did a fantastic job collecting pictures, facts and decorating her board.  We ordered a state flag, state bird and state flower for her display.  She also had to prepare some type of food from Montana, so she helped me make Bison chili.  It turned out to be a big hit.  Once again I was very proud of my baby girl.

Gracie is still loving baton and preparing for her recital in June.  She practices in front of us all the time.  She really has learned a lot. 

Gracie had Community helper week in Kindergarten.  The kids had to work and earn money for 30 minutes and then they got to shop for 30 minutes.  It was so much fun that all the grades at GWA wanted to come.  They did let some high school kids attend, 5th graders and 3rd graders come.  Gracie had to work the lemonade stand and she did it with a big smile.  She had the best time serving all of Hayden's friends when they came through. 

Colton has had a blast attending all the things for his sisters.  He went to the state fair, community helpers, softball games and baton.  He plays with his trucks everywhere we go and is usually pretty good until he is completely done!

Last week was spring break but we didn't really get to do much. Just visited with family and enjoyed sleeping in. Friday we did go to the movies with Mimi and Aunt Linda.  We went to see HOME and it was good for the kids.  Gracie really enjoyed it.  Then they went home with Mimi to spend the night with her and Pop. 

Saturday we went to the UGA softball game and it was a great game.  Hayden really enjoyed it.  However I forgot sunscreen and got burnt!!!  The Easter bunny also came Saturday night.  He brought lots of candy and a stuff for Hayden and Gracie's fairy gardens.  Colton got trucks, tractors and guns.  They also had a scavenger let them know they are getting puppy.  It is a lab, it is white / yellow and it is male.  Oh and they decided to name him Rascal!

We celebrated Easter at Grandmama's house.   It was also her birthday so it was a big celebration.  All the babies loved playing together and hunting the Easter eggs with money and candy in them. 

I think I have covered every thing....maybe!

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