Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Last night Hayden had possibly the best day of her life.  Well, actually I am pretty sure it was the best day of her life.  In fact, she made that very clear many times. 

She had a game in Loganville last night.  It was pouring rain when we left Good Hope but the game was still on and I thought....Great we are going to get all the way to Loganville and then they are going to cancel.  WELL...I am so glad we went all the way to Loganville to start the game because my sweet baby girl hit her first real HOME RUN over the fence at her first bat last night.  It was PRICELESS.  I think I was cheering and jumping up and down but it was almost like every thing was silent when it happened.  I watched the ball come off her bat and I thought to myself this is it....please let this be it! and it WAS.  She realized it went over the fence after she crossed first base and saw all of her coaches with their hands up and all the parents cheering like crazy.  Then she said I just slowed down and ran the rest of the bases.  When she crossed home plate her coach picked her up and danced around with her and then I ran out to meet her and so did the rest of team!  I think it was a pretty priceless moment for everyone there.  It was all anyone could talk about after it happened.  We sent someone to retrieve the ball also!  The whole team was on fire last night and ready to play.  Unfortunately, it came a down pour and the umpires called the game after the 2nd inning.  The score at that time was 7-0! 

Matt, Hayden's coach asked all the parents to give the home run hitter a big round of applause.  She sat there with the biggest smile on her face.  Then he gave her the home run ball!  She was so excited!  I seriously don't think I have ever seen her so excited, not even Christmas morning competes with this kind of excitement.  She says that is because Christmas morning comes every year and a real home run doesn't.  I told her that she was right!  All the way home she was crazy.  I loved hearing her so excited and so proud of herself.  Alright I have to admit that I was crazy excited too and couldn't wipe the proud smile off of my face either.  Mark was crazy excited too,  he just kept saying over and over again she hit it over the fence!  In fact, I am pretty sure we all woke up with the same smile this morning.  Hayden slept with her home run ball last night and took it to school with her this morning to show off.  She said she was going to show all those boys that she can hit one over the fence!!!  She puts a new meaning to you hit like a girl or you throw like a girl!

The umpire last night told our coach that he had been doing games there for 10 years and he has not ever seen a girl her age hit one over the fence.  I kept telling Mark it was like watching the Georgia Softball players hit.  It was the most awesome beautiful hit I have ever seen!  Oh and she did text her hitting coach and told her all about her home run and she was so proud of her too.  She had an amazing evening and I can't wait to hear what every one had to say at school today


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