Today was pajama day at Preschool. I bought Hayden a new set of monkey pajamas this past weekend because her Daddy now calls her Monkey instead of Punkin. I started calling Hayden, Punkin right after she was born. I would always tell her that she was Mommy's little punkin and that I will always take good care of her. Soon after I started the whole Punkin thing, Mark picked it up too and now I think every one calls her Punkin..well except her Daddy. It depends on what day it is sometimes she tells Mark "I'm not a monkey..I'm a punkin" and other days she tells us that she Punkin to Mommy and Monkey to Daddy. Anyway, she had some really cute Strawberry Shortcake pajamas in her room, but she decided that she was going to wear the monkey ones to school. I must say I was really surprised that we didn't have to go out and buy the princesses. She is all about the princesses, she does have some princess bedroom shoes but I didn't let her wear them to school. I was afraid her feet would get to hot in them all day, she is so hot natured. I wanted to put her hair in pig tails or up somehow, but of course that wasn't going to happen. In the last few months she has decided that she wants her hair to be curly and wear it down just like Mommy. Even after I beg and plead with her to let me show her how cute it would be, she always says "NO, I want to leave it down." There is nothing like arguing with a 3 year old about her hair. It really doesn't matter because she always so cute no matter what she has on or how her hair looks.
The Preschool also wanted them to bring their favorite teddy bear to school with them today. Hayden could care less about a teddy bear, but I found a princess baby doll outfit in her room and put it on a little white teddy bear and told her that the teddy bear is a princess bear, which seemed to work out pretty good. Sometimes I surprise myself with my cute little ideas! In order for her to take the thing that makes her most comfortable, it would have to be TIRED and there was no way I was sending it to preschool today. Two reasons TIRED wasn't allowed to visit Preschool today and they are...One, no one is allowed to touch TIRED and Two...If she lost it, it would be really bad. TIRED is much to special to take any chances, she holds on to it all the way to school and leaves it in her car seat. When I pick her up the first thing she does it pick up and start sucking her thumb. She did inform me the other day that her teachers will not let her suck her thumb at school. At first I felt sorry for her, but then went on to tell her that when big girls are at school they don't need to suck their thumb, that she is supposed to be having fun with all her classmates and learning all kinds of new things. Then I told her that she only needs to suck her thumb when she is going to take a nap or when she goes to bed at night.
Notice she has her shoes on the wrong foot, Mark says he always wore his on the wrong foot too, apparently the Indians can't track you down that way!!!
Hayden and Princess Bear:

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