I know that I should be happy that she is starting big girl school, but it is kind of sad because I feel like she is growing up way too fast. I did enjoy my tour of the school, it is a very good school. George Walton will allow her lots of opportunities that she probably wouldn't get anywhere else. I know she will be excited about it, especially the part that Mimi will be there everyday. She goes for her testing on January 30th and I hope she does well. I know she is smart enough, but she is very shy. I hope she doesn't just freeze up and not want to talk to any of the teachers or other kids. She may surprise me and go in there and not be shy and want to do everything. I guess I will just have to wait and see.
While I was gone, Nana and Steve came out and spoiled the girls. I am pretty sure they stayed outside playing all day. I think Hayden and Gracie wore Nana and Steve out today. They looked more tired than the girls did when I got back home. It is interesting now because Gracie wants to do everything Hayden does. Evidently Gracie enjoyed being outside too, her knees on her little pants were pretty nasty when I got home, she knows how to walk but still thinks she goes faster on her knees. Gracie is like her daddy, she is a very, very busy little girl. She is always on the go. If she is still, she is sleeping! I love it! I love all of it. I love watching the things that remind me of myself and Mark in our girls. Hayden is very shy and never really gotten into a lot of stuff, like myself and well Gracie is a lot like her Daddy, she isn't shy at all and always into something. I love my husband and my girls with all my heart. They truly do make me complete.
I try to be fair with both of my girls and spend time with them together and individually. I always have more time alone with Gracie, while Hayden is at Preschool, so now when Gracie takes a nap I try to do something that Hayden enjoys, which lately is me jumping on the trampoline with her. Although today she wanted to cut with scissors while I put all the groceries up. Trying to be a good Mommy, I told her to go ahead and get a piece of paper and she could go ahead and start cutting while she was waiting for me. I didn't have much to do before I could sit down with her. She usually cuts a piece of paper into tiny pieces and I just tell her where to cut next and clean up the mess...Well today she decided to cut on my bed spread. You would think I would have been very upset and punished her but I couldn't. I don't even know how these scissors cut into the bedspread, they are little kiddie scissors. She came in the kitchen and told me that my bed had a hole in it...I asked her what she was talking about and she started crying. I knew immediately after that what she had done. It isn't too big of a hole, but it is right in the middle, where I won't be able to hide it. She cried for a long time, which was funny because I never even got onto her. I figured she didn't need to be punished because obviously she knew how wrong it was without anyone telling her that. I just told her it was okay, but that we only cut paper not anything else. I sure do hope Grandmama or Mimi can repair it!!!
On another note, I had bought one of those leash things for Hayden when she was little. It was a Monkey book bag looking thing. I was always scared of her running away from me...Well Mark refused to let me use it and looking back on it...I am sure glad I didn't. Well, today Hayden put the Monkey on Gracie and was dragging her around the house playing DOG. Gracie was growling and really into it. Nana and Steve came in about the time all this started. I haven't heard my Mama laugh that hard in a long time. If you ever need to be cheered up or just have a good laugh, just call for a funny story or come visit my angels!
Last night I found Hayden going to sleep in her baby doll bed. This baby doll bed has been in my family for a long time. It has been passed down to all the little girls. I had to take a picture:
She looked very comfy!

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