Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

Mimi called last night and wanted to know if I wanted to go shopping this morning. I have always said NO because of the crowds, but this year I was excited about it. I called my Mama to see if she could watch the girls, but Hayden overheard what was going on and wanted to go with Mimi and myself. We weren't going to be buying anything for her so Mimi and I decided she could go too! Gracie on the other hand had to stay with Nana, she isn't much fun shopping, she doesn't like to be still that long.

I dropped Gracie off at Nana's about 10am and met Mimi at Belks. I got a new bedspread, since Hayden decided to cut a big hole in mine. I love it, it is so beautiful! Hayden had lots of fun helping us pick one out, she is definitely going to be a great her Aunt Kim! Once we got done at Belks...Hayden looked at Mimi and said "I want to go to another store" so we left there and decided to have lunch at Applebee's. It was very good, Hayden had already decided she wanted shrimp. What can I say she eats very good and isn't picky at all, unlike her baby sister. She couldn't eat all of it so we got a to go box and brought it home. Once we got done with lunch Hayden says "I want to go to another store" so we went to Old Navy and got the girls a few things. While we were checking out she looks at Mimi and says "I want to go to another store" I guess you get the picture by now. That girl LOVES to shop! Finally after three or four more stores she decided she was getting tired and was ready to go to Nana's. We had so much fun shopping with Mimi today, it has been a LONG time since I have shopped like that! Maybe it is something we can do every year, except we need Aunt Kim to join us too! The official girls day out!

When we got back to Nana's house, Gracie was glad to see us! Nana said she was such a good little girl today. She played with Mama's little dog and all her toys I packed up for her. I made sure I packed all the loud and obnoxious toys this morning, after all those are the most entertaining. She took a 2 hour nap, I guess I need to find out Nana's secret and then ate a big lunch! I am so glad she was good because when I left she was screaming MaMa! I think Nana had fun today too, she says Gracie has an excellent personality.

While we were in town I decided to go by and see Mema and Pop too. Then I remembered that I had the to go boxes of food in the car, so I decided to take them inside and put them in Mema's refrigerator. We spent some time playing and Hayden always draws Mema a new picture for her fridge and we were all having fun until Gracie started fussing. I guess she was ready to call it a day, she was ready to come home to all her stuff. We loaded up the car and were almost home when I realized I left the food at Mema's house...Well needless to say I had to turn around and go all the way back to get it. Hayden was crying and begging me to go back because she really wanted her shrimp for dinner. I went back and Pop brought it out to the car so I didn't have to come back inside. When we got home she ate every single shrimp that was left and every single french fry too! I guess it was worth it to see her enjoy it so much!

Now I have two very tired little girls, so I guess I need to go get them in the bathtub and ready to night night! We had a great time today Mimi!!!


  1. I will have to hire Hayden to be my personal shopper because I don't like to do it anymore!

  2. This is one day that I will truly remember for awhile. We definetely have a shopper who might be able to compete with Kimberly. We will make sure she has the day off next year so she can enjoy the wonderful day and smiles on that little angels face. Love Mimi
