Sunday, we played outside a good bit, and then Mimi and Pop came over for some BBQ chicken and ribs. Yes, I know we eat ribs every weekend, they are Mark's favorite. We all played outside and pushed Gracie in her pink swing. At first she looked a little scared, but I really don't know why because she swings all the time. Maybe I started out a little to fast for her taste! Mark and Pop chased Hayden in her tractor on the Bad Boy Buggy (golf cart). She would pass them and laugh the whole time. Of course she has to practice watching where she drives, instead of looking forward she was looking back at Mark and Pop. I kept waiting on her to run right into something (she has run into my Mom's car door). Good thing she has a while to practice. After lots of playing Gracie went night night and Hayden wanted to read books(I know big surprise). Mimi and Hayden went in Hayden's room and read until it was time to eat. It was a fun afternoon, it is nice to be able to spend time outside again!
Monday we went to Wal-Mart and ate Hayden's favorite meal, Chinese. She loves it, she isn't like most kids she could care less about McDonalds. She wants real food. On the way back home Hayden wanted to touch Gracie in her car seat, but Gracie didn't want to be touched. Gracie started crying, so we told Hayden to quit. Then Hayden cried for 5 minutes because she really wanted to touch Gracie. Have you ever heard of anything so silly! Mark also taught Hayden how to shoot a gun. Yeah, I know I wasn't to sure about that, but I went out and watched and she pretty much just sits beside him. She wore her ear pods (that is what she call ear plugs). I guess because of the head phones for the ipod, it just made sense. The shots didn't bother Gracie in the least, I figured they would scare her. We took the girls for a ride on the Buggy later in the afternoon. Gracie thought that was fun, she really hasn't been on it a whole lot. She kept looking at Mark and laughing. We even took Peaches and Waylon, can you imagine what we looked like coming down the road? Gracie didn't want to take a nap all day, not sure why she picks and chooses when to sleep, but she always goes to bed early. Hayden didn't want to go to bed either. I had a feeling it was going to fun this morning.
Learning to Hunt:

It took me forever to get Hayden up. I kept telling her your friends are waiting on you, and she would say "I don't care, I want to sleep". That is why Mommy and Daddy kept telling you to go to bed last night. It then took her forever to eat her breakfast and get dressed. So tonight the Stancil's are back on track, we will be eating dinner, taking showers and going to bed early(or at Hayden will be). I hope she isn't too tired at school! Anyways on to the cute pictures of the weekend:
Gracie playing outside:

Teaching Waylon to Hunt:

Gracie loving her Baby:

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