Tonight was date with Dad at Preschool. It started out with the perfect outfits for both of them. Mark picked Hayden's blue dress, it is his favorite. It just so happens he has the same color shirt that I picked out for him to wear. When they first got to preschool Hayden had to show her Daddy where she put her book bag and lunch box everyday. Then all the kids started saying the pledge of allegiance and apparently they were all surprised that the Dads knew it too! They also start everyday of Preschool with a weather person, this one has to pick if the weather is sunny, cloudy, or raining. Then they have a day of the week person, who has to pick what day it is, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. After all of this they have their bible study, this week they are studying Adam and Eve. Then comes the fun, Mrs. Christie puts four names on the floor at a time and the kids have to find their name. Mark said they all did a good job! The letter of the week was C, so they made a caterpillar on the board and had to name something that started with the letter C. They usually go outside and play after all of these things, but of course with our flood, the playground was to wet, so they pretended to wash their hands and had cookies and sprite with their Dad. To end the perfect date they sang a song about how much they love their dad and at the end ran and gave their dad a big hug. Hayden also made her daddy a special gift, it is a car freshener to put in his stinky work truck. It smells really good and she put special stickers on it for him. It says on the inside that every time you smell this freshener you will think of me (of course I cried when I read it). Mark and Hayden weren't quite ready to end their date night, so they went to Wendys with Adam and Kierstin for dinner. Mark said that Hayden and Kierstin are definitely the best kids in the class, there were some little boys who were very loud and not very good tonight. I thought this was funny because Hayden and Kierstin both tell us all the time that they get in trouble for talking. I am so glad they had a great time. I know it was hard for Mark to take time off work, but he is such a good Daddy and knows how important it is to do everything with our precious girls.
Here they are getting ready to leave:

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