Sunday, September 20, 2009

Baby Talk

Today Gracie said Hayden for the first time, she also said Daddy and Bye Bye. She has been saying Da Da for Daddy, but for the past week it has officially been Daddy. Instead of saying Mama all the time she just screams until I come to see what is wrong. It is so funny when she says Hayden, it is almost like she is frustrated. Maybe she is frustrated, it is going to be interesting when she can tell us exactly what Hayden has done to her. Right now when Hayden does something to her, Gracie screams very loudly and Hayden hides somewhere until I make her tell me what happened. They actually play very well together the only time I hear them fussing is when Hayden takes something away from Gracie. The good thing is that usually when she takes something away it is because Gracie really doesn't need to be playing with it (like eating chalk).

Hayden is the best big sister ever!!!

We have been trying to get Gracie to walk. She has taken one step, but when she did it I got so excited that I scared her. She fell right down and looked at me like she did something wrong. So I started clapping and told her yay you did it, but she still looked at me like I was crazy, so I guess when she gets ready to take off she will!

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