We knew Hayden was in excellent hands at the Hospital and we knew Mimi and all of our wonderful family wouldn't let anything happen to our big girl. When we got to the car, Daddy helped me get in, and then I just sat in silence as he drove to the hospital. There were so many mixed feelings in my head that morning, but I knew it was time to meet you. We couldn't wait to see you and love on you, so we started getting excited as we arrived at Rockdale Hospital.
When we finally got all the paperwork and questions handled it was probably about 8:30am. Doctor Garrett came into the room and started the induction process. It seemed to go by so fast to me, but I was a little out of it. I think it seemed like forever to Daddy, but he was very good and remained seated for the most part (he likes to pace). At 12:30 they called Doctor Garrett back to deliver you. I will never forget what she said when she got ready "This is a big baby, why have we not already taken her?" Daddy and I started crying and told her all about Hayden and what had been going on. She couldn't believe everything we had been through and that you were so patient about it. At 1:04pm the most precious angel was born. It took you a little longer than we would have liked for you to cry, but when you did it was one of the most beautiful sounds we had ever heard. When Doctor Garrett laid you on my stomach Daddy and I looked at each other and at the same time said "she looks just like Hayden". There was a lot of crying that day. Once the nurses got done cleaning you up, Daddy went to the waiting room to get your visitors. Pop, Nana, Steve, Grandmama and Aunt Julie came back to see you and of course they all thought you were perfect too! Everyone got there turn holding you and I will never forget Grandmama saying "this baby came into the world smiling." You have been smiling ever since (my little happy baby). Later in the afternoon Kim and Artie came to visit and Uncle Randy. Everyone thought you looked a lot like your big sister. It was a wonderful day and you were an excellent baby. You were so quiet we could barely hear you cry (now we hear you loud and clear).
Daddy and I brought you home on Sept. 4th, which is the same day Hayden was released from Egleston. Mimi and Pop brought Hayden home late that night, she had to get one more dose of her antibiotic before she could leave. You were sleeping in your favorite place the pink swing. Hayden was very confused, upset, and tired when they came into the house, but when she seen you in the swing her eyes brightened up. She wanted to hold and feed you, so we put you in her arms and she gave you one of your first bottles. It will always be one of Daddy and Mommy's favorite memories of our girls. It was truly priceless!
Hayden loves you so much. She helps take very good care of you. She has helped change your diapers and feed you everyday. I hope you two will always be very close and maybe even be best friends and always be there for each other through the good and bad times. I bet no one will mess with the Stancil Girls!
Gracie you are truly an amazing little girl. You are so smart and beautiful. You have had lots of accomplishments this year from rolling over, talking, sitting up, and crawling. Hopefully soon you will start to walk, I think you are a little scared. You have always slept all night except for when we went to the beach, you just really love your bed. Your comfort level is to throw your arm over the bumper pad in your bed, it is so sweet and you immediately reach for it as soon as we lay you down. Although you can have a little bit of an attitude problem sometimes, for the most part you are sweet. Everyone thinks you act like me when you're mad, but I think it is just your way of getting our attention. We don't think you will have a problem with being shy, you always let people know exactly what you want (I think that is probably a good trait to have). We love that you are always smiling and scrunching that perfect little nose up. It is so cute watching you chase Hayden around the house, now she can't hide anywhere. Daddy and I love listening to you and Hayden play and talk together. Sometimes Hayden acts more like a parent, but one day you will get to pay her back. Right now you are definetly a Mommy's girl, but I'm sure that will change as you get older. I think all little girls become Daddy's girls at some point. There is something about the comfort and strength of a Daddy that every little girl needs, and always know that you will always be Daddy's little girl no matter how old you are (and Hayden too). It is a very special bond that you will understand one day. Just promise not to forget completely about Mommy.
I hope you have an excellent birthday. This year you really don't understand what is going on, but next year you will be so excited. We can't wait to see what all you accomplish in the next year.

Big Girl:
First night at home:
Beautiful Birthday Girl:
Awww!! This is so sweet!! It made me cry. I am so happy for yall and your perfect little family :) Yall have overcome so much in the past year and I think that only makes you even stronger as a family. I dont think that little Gracie could have picked a better time to come along. I think that she came along right when yall needed her to. I just hope that one day me and Chaz can have a little girl that is as sweet, amazing, strong and smart as Hayden and Gracie are. We love all of yall so much!
I love the story! I feel like I was there. You have a beautiful family and I hope they grow up to be best friends, too.