Mark and I gave Gracie one of those loud ball popper things for Christmas. We thought it would be good walking toy for her, since she had just started walking. Yeah, I don't know what we were thinking, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. She hasn't really had anything to do with it, even though Hayden would show her what to do with it. Well today she has figured out what it does and she loves it. I guess I block out noise a little better than Hayden does because she was watching her shows on TV and I heard her tell Gracie nicely a couple of times "Gracie please go somewhere else and do that"...I don't know where she could have learned that sentence(
haha). Gracie didn't pay her any attention, so the next thing I know...Hayden has taken the ball popper away from Gracie and is taking it back to Gracie's room to put it on the changing table so that Gracie can't reach it. Gracie is running behind her as fast as she can screaming "NO". I had to explain to Hayden that even though it was very aggravating for her that Gracie didn't really know any better, she was just having fun with a new toy and Hayden says "Well she can do it in her room then". So I compromised and told Hayden to watch her shows in Mommy's room and we would close the door so Gracie wouldn't come in there being loud, seemed like a good idea, but instead of Gracie playing with the ball popper, she started crying and beating on the closed door wanting in to play with Hayden.
Oh and also Gracie now plays with my shoes, she walks around the house in them and apparently Gracie likes to eat chapstick. Hayden has lots of flavors and they must be pretty good, I have had to put them all up where Gracie can't reach them. The best part was that she took a few bites of Hayden's favortite flavor and it upset Hayden so much that I had to promise her we would buy a new one tomorrow at Wal-Mart.
As you can see the girls are having an interesting day today!
Here is a picture from the weekend just for you Artie, it is actually the only one that I took all weekend!
They are the prettiest little girls in the WORLD!

You have so much to look forward to. Hayden doesn't quite understand that Gracie just wants to be right with her. Any laps yet?