Once they got done with their lunch, I passed out the cupcakes and just about all of them ate only the icing, Mrs. Christie says they always have lots of bald cupcakes that go in the trash after birthday parties. There were two little boys that ate all of their cupcake and said they were very good, but wanted to know why they were all PINK. I told them because that is Hayden's favorite color and they seemed okay with that! You should hear the conversations these kids have at lunch it was so funny, they all tried to talk over each other, except for little Hayden, maybe she was a little shy today being that she was the center of attention. She really does not like being the center of attention, she wouldn't even look up the whole time the class sang Happy Birthday to her and her little face even turned a little pink, I guess she was a little embarrassed. I was really surprised she didn't sing it to as much as she likes to perform songs these days. She got a birthday present, which was a flute that makes lots of noise(Yay).
Then Mrs. Christie had all the kids pick out a book and sit on the floor, she lets them look at books first and then she reads to them until the end of the day. Of course after the sugar fix of cupcakes, none of them really cooperated with rug time today, but it was so interesting to see what they do everyday. Mrs. Christie told me again today that she just loves Hayden and she is so sweet!
Yummy cupcakes, look how pretty I made them:

Princess Hayden:

Paxton wanted his picture taken too:

Eating only the icing:

She is picking out her birthday present:

Gracie and Grant, I think Mark is going to have a hard time with the boys and his girls:

Gracie wanted to play too:

Oh and we also got big and exciting news today, Hayden will be going to George Walton Academy for the next school year, she will be in K4 and go from 8-12, 5 days a week. Yeah, I know we all knew she would pass with flying colors, but I still cried after I found out that she was accepted(I know I am just too emotional)! I think she will adjust just fine, it will be me that has to get used to her being a big girl at school 5 days a week. We are so proud of her.
Just some extra pictures from the weekend...
Hayden on Aunt Vickie's horse...She wasn't to sure about it though:

Playing dress up, see if you can figure out everything she has on:

She DOES NOT like to be the center of attention:
I think I remember another little girl who acted the same way! Her name is Aunt Kim. That Paxton is a cutie so you better watch out! Remember Mark, boys will be boys!
ReplyDeleteI can hardly believe that our sweet precious baby girl is going to be four. We have all been truly blessed. Her light shines all around. I love you Hayden!