Friday, February 12, 2010


Hayden was so excited this morning because it was going to SNOW today. Me and the girls got up early and went to the grocery store, we go every Friday but I knew it would be crazy today with the snow coming and Valentine's Day this weekend. Wal-Mart was packed, so we stuck to our list and got out of there as fast as possible. Hayden kept asking "Mommy when is the snow coming?" and I kept saying it will be here soon. Finally about 2pm it started snowing at our house and at first it wasn't real heavy so Hayden wasn't to excited yet, but within 30 minutes it was coming down fast and she was jumping up and down and begging to go outside.

I finally gave in and bundle them both up and we went out. I was trying to wait on Mark to get home but Hayden was a little impatient. Gracie didn't know what to think, she just stood there looking up in the sky and laughing. We didn't stay out too long it is very cold and we wanted Daddy to be able to play too. We came back in and warmed up, Hayden had to have some hot chocolate, she says that really warms her up. I put all their wet clothes in the dryer and by the time they were dry, Daddy was home from work. He had to get a big fire going and stack up lots of wood to keep a nice warm fire all night before we could go back out. It is always nice to come in from the snow and sit in front of the fire to warm up!

We took the girls back out after Mark got the fire going good, and it had accumulated a lot since the first time we went out. We were able to have snow ball fight. Hayden thought it was hilarious to hit Mommy with snow balls, but I got her a few times too. Gracie didn't like the snow ball fight too much, Mark hit her with one and she cried. I think it probably scared her a little, I'm sure after tomorrow she will be throwing some herself. This is actually the first time she has really got to play in the snow.

I can't wait to go back out tomorrow and play some more. Hopefully we will get to try out the sled too, it will be so much fun!

Beautiful Girls:

Trying to figure out what to do first:

She likes it:

Pretty Girl:

Trying to get Mommy:

First taste of snow:

Picture Perfect

Just listen to how much fun they were having!!!!

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