Thursday, December 30, 2010
Baby Week 17
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas Traditions
Monday we spent the day or I should say I spent the day cleaning the house and washing clothes. The girls enjoyed a little down time and played and watched their shows on TV. Nothing exciting but it is nice to have the house pretty much ready for Christmas.
Tuesday we met Grandmama and Linda at the Mall so they could watch the girls on the jumping thing. Then we went to the Olive Garden for lunch, my favorite. After that Hayden went to spend the night with Mimi and Pop. She had lots of fun and went Christmas shopping and got us some gifts. I can't wait to see what she picked out. She had so much fun that she cried when she had to come home, which kind of hurt my feelings but I got over it. She ended up crying all the way home and then pouting for about 30 minutes after we got home. I guess I should say she pouted until she realized the new Rapunzel pajamas and bed room shoes on her bed.
Tomorrow is grocery shopping and then Friday we will spend with my Mama's side of the family and get ready for SANTA!!!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
After we got home...Mommy had some surprises too. Hayden has been a very busy little girl at school this week. I have already gotten the best gift this year, Hayden made me a gorgeous candle holder completely decorated in glitter and it looks beautiful all lit up. She had the biggest smile on her face when she gave it to me, it was priceless! She was so proud of herself! I sure do love her!!! She also made Mommy and Daddy a Christmas card, that she decorated and inside there is a picture of her and it says that she will always be our little angel and that is the truth. I put it right beside my new candle holder for everyone to see!
Thank you Hayden for all of your surprises. You are the sweetest, caring little girl ever and we love you so much, Love Mommy and Daddy!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
More Mail from Santa
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Getting Well!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
The best part was after the pictures were over Hayden told Santa that she was getting a new baby for Christmas, she is so sweet, and then to my amazement Gracie actually walked over to Santa and told him that she wanted a doll house and babies for Christmas. That was a huge accomplishment! She also gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek right before we left, so even though the pictures didn't go as planned, it was worth it to see her actually talk to him!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
13 Weeks!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Email from SANTA!!!!
This year is going to be so much fun with the girls. I am so excited and ready for Santa to bring all their goodies!!!! Hayden's Message from Santa Gracie's Message from Santa
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
No Cavities!
Our Dentist is great and extremely fast. We got there at 11:15 and we were done and leaving at 11:40, now that is a fast appointment. She did excellent as always, even with the X rays, which she does not like, can't say I blame her. She had cherry flavored gloves this time, orange toothpaste and banana split vitamins. Maybe if my dentist would use those things I would enjoy it more! Dr. Proctor said that her teeth are beautiful and to keep brushing and taking care of them. He actually did not say anything about her thumb sucking. I know she has cut back a lot being in school but when she gets home it seems like she keeps that thumb in her mouth, however he is the dentist so I guess when I have something to worry about I will! Right?
I took Gracie with me today too simply because I didn't feel like taking her to Nana's house, I figured it would be good practice for her being that next September she has to start going to the dentist too! Even though no one touched her, she cried and kept saying " Mommy I want to go home". Dr. Proctor got a big kick out of it, she cried even if he looked at her! I have a feeling next September will be lots of fun, maybe I will let Daddy take her!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Christmas Photos
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010

Daddy was being so silly:

Friday we went shopping with Mimi. It was very busy and we didn't buy much but Hayden got to do the jumping thing at the mall. For those of you that don't know it is a trampoline with a harness with lines or whatever you call them to hold on to and when you jump you go really high, sorry that is really not a great explanation but she loves it. It is always the highlight of her day and she isn't scared at all. It really does look fun but they wouldn't let me play since I am pregnant! Pop also came to watch Hayden on the jumping thing and then we went to Steak and Shake for banana milkshakes! The girls and Pop love them, personally I am not a fan I prefer chocolate! It was a fun day!
Saturday we once again took Hayden to the jumping thing so that Aunt Kim could see her do it! She was so excited she didn't eat any of her lunch. However this time my little Gracie decided she wanted to do it too! I figured she would get scared and start crying, but she LOVED it, she had a huge smile on her face the whole time and she didn't care how high she went either. Then we come home to enjoy some Georgia football and it was a great game!
I think this concludes our busy holiday weekend. Too bad we all have to get back on schedule tomorrow, but we only have three weeks and it will be Christmas break!!! I am so ready for Christmas!!!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thanksgiving ABC's
I was a very proud Mommy this morning as I watched Hayden with all of that self confidence just beaming out of her. She looked beautiful, sounded beautiful and well she was just simply beautiful all the way around.
Mommy and Daddy love you so much and we are so proud of you! You are an amazing little girl!!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
First Trophy
She enjoyed her party last night, there was pizza, cupcakes and trophies! Our coaches were wonderful and I believe that they played a huge part in Hayden enjoying it as much as she did. They were incredible with the girls and made it fun...and they always made sure that everyone on the team got a goal, which is very important at their age! When they handed out the trophies they made sure to say something wonderful about each player, I thought it was really nice, they really cared about their team! When they got to Hayden...It went like this...Hayden is the one that changed the most this season, when she figured out what Soccer was about she really figured it out and went with it, she turned into a fast runner and great player for the team. Yes I teared up, I couldn't help she really did come out of her shell and make a great Soccer player! She officially has her first trophy now and she is very proud of it.
Monday, November 1, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Magic Show
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Carving The Punkin

Isn't that the cutest punkin you have ever seen? Did you notice that all of the faces were different? At first Mark and I were joking about how long it was going to take him to carve this punkin! Finally after she said her hand was tired, we convinced her to let Daddy draw on the other side and carve it, that way all of her faces would be there too! This was our finished product....

Monday, October 25, 2010
Painting Punkins

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
1st Field Trip

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Chatter Box
Monday, October 18, 2010
Lines for the Play
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Disney on Ice

Friday, October 15, 2010
Where to Begin?
First - The girls are now sleeping together in Hayden's bed and have been for two weeks today. There haven't been any problems and Hayden absolutely loves that she is such a big girl. Gracie is sleeping much better and not getting up two or three times a night since she is out of the baby bed, which means Mommy sleeps all night too. We now have a definite schedule...we go to bed at exactly 8pm and read two night night stories(one for each little angel)...then we turn off the lights and I lay with Gracie until she falls asleep...then Hayden finishes watching whatever movie is on and goes to sleep too, without Mommy or Daddy. Hayden is usually asleep within 15 minutes after I get up. They actually get excited about night night time now! This just goes to prove my little girls are sweet and perfect!

Last - I updated a week ago that I was pregnant with Baby Stancil #3 and that I would update after my doctors appointment. I went back for an ultrasound yesterday and Baby Stancil has a strong heartbeat of 142bpm. Mark wasn't able to go yesterday, they have been very busy at work and I was so nervous about going by myself. As soon as the ultrasound tech started she said "there is your little baby" and I immediately got excited and then she turned the switch where we could hear and I heard the most amazing, beautiful sound in the little baby's heartbeat. The first thing she said was "wow that is a strong heartbeat" that made me feel great. There is no way to describe to anyone how much you worry when you are pregnant, you just can't help it! I have been sick and very tired, but my Dr. gave me some medicine to take. I was also sick with Hayden and Gracie so I kind of knew what to expect. Needless to say Mark and I are very excited about our baby and so are the girls!
Well I think this pretty much wraps up all the things I didn't blog about. Tomorrow we are going to see Disney on Ice with Mimi, Aunt Vickie and Katelyn. It's going to be lots of fun and I will try to take some pictures, last year I didn't any. Gracie should be very amazed by it this year, hopefully she will not be scared, you never know with her!!!!