First - The girls are now sleeping together in Hayden's bed and have been for two weeks today. There haven't been any problems and Hayden absolutely loves that she is such a big girl. Gracie is sleeping much better and not getting up two or three times a night since she is out of the baby bed, which means Mommy sleeps all night too. We now have a definite schedule...we go to bed at exactly 8pm and read two night night stories(one for each little angel)...then we turn off the lights and I lay with Gracie until she falls asleep...then Hayden finishes watching whatever movie is on and goes to sleep too, without Mommy or Daddy. Hayden is usually asleep within 15 minutes after I get up. They actually get excited about night night time now! This just goes to prove my little girls are sweet and perfect!
Second - Hayden got her ears pierced last Sunday. She had been talking about it for awhile and finally Mark and I decided that if she really wanted to that we would let her. She picked out diamond studs and they are beautiful. She didn't even flinch when they did it, she is such a big girl and she is very proud of her new earrings.

Third - Hayden is still loving school. She had special snack day this week and she wanted to take cheese nips and juice boxes. I was a little surprised at her choice but it was her special snack day. She said she told her class that she really loves cheese crackers. She said that her classmates told her that her snacks were yummy!
She also had her first Homecoming Pep Rally yesterday. They decorated a banner to carry around the football field. She was so cute and looked like such a big girl!!! She really enjoyed the pep rally, it was very loud and she kept looking around to see what was going on!

Last - I updated a week ago that I was pregnant with Baby Stancil #3 and that I would update after my doctors appointment. I went back for an ultrasound yesterday and Baby Stancil has a strong heartbeat of 142bpm. Mark wasn't able to go yesterday, they have been very busy at work and I was so nervous about going by myself. As soon as the ultrasound tech started she said "there is your little baby" and I immediately got excited and then she turned the switch where we could hear and I heard the most amazing, beautiful sound in the little baby's heartbeat. The first thing she said was "wow that is a strong heartbeat" that made me feel great. There is no way to describe to anyone how much you worry when you are pregnant, you just can't help it! I have been sick and very tired, but my Dr. gave me some medicine to take. I was also sick with Hayden and Gracie so I kind of knew what to expect. Needless to say Mark and I are very excited about our baby and so are the girls!
Well I think this pretty much wraps up all the things I didn't blog about. Tomorrow we are going to see Disney on Ice with Mimi, Aunt Vickie and Katelyn. It's going to be lots of fun and I will try to take some pictures, last year I didn't any. Gracie should be very amazed by it this year, hopefully she will not be scared, you never know with her!!!!
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