Yesterday Mimi, Hayden, Gracie, Aunt Vickie, Aunt Linda, Grandmama, Katelyn and myself all went to see Disney on Ice after we had a yummy lunch at the Varsity. It was all about Toy Story 3, and it was exactly like the movie! Hayden really enjoyed it and so did Gracie. Gracie was amazed, this is the first year that she really knew what was going on. I loved watching both of their faces as the scenes would change. Katelyn was so sweet, she was as amazed as Gracie. She sat in her Mimi's lap and watched the whole show. Oh and the girls got snow cones in Jesse cups, cotton candy with an alien hat, and Hayden got a Jesse cowgirl is so cute, it even has a ponytail on it! It was lots of fun and even more fun for me to see how much the girls enjoyed it. We are also glad that Grandmama got to go with all of the little great grand babies! Thanks Mimi for another wonderful year of Disney on Ice...We had so much fun and We Love You!!!
Today Mark and I took the girls to the Disney Store because Hayden decided after Disney on Ice yesterday that she wants to be Jesse for Halloween. I think it is adorable but apparently everyone else in the world does too...all the costumes were gone BUT we did get a pair of RED Cowgirl Boots just like Jesse's, so I think I can make up a even cuter costume...I am thinking her new Levi blue jeans that just happen to be boot cut and a white button down shirt, maybe a belt and those really cute RED BOOTS!!! I personally think she would be adorable! I'm still not to sure about Gracie because she can wear Hayden's old boots this year and she absolutely loves them, so she might end up being some type of little cowgirl too...I wish I had her a little cowgirl hat, wouldn't that be so sweet?
Snow cones!!!!
Gracie loved hers!!!
Katelyn was amazed...
Hayden's favorite part...JESSE!
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