Daddy was being so silly:

Friday we went shopping with Mimi. It was very busy and we didn't buy much but Hayden got to do the jumping thing at the mall. For those of you that don't know it is a trampoline with a harness with lines or whatever you call them to hold on to and when you jump you go really high, sorry that is really not a great explanation but she loves it. It is always the highlight of her day and she isn't scared at all. It really does look fun but they wouldn't let me play since I am pregnant! Pop also came to watch Hayden on the jumping thing and then we went to Steak and Shake for banana milkshakes! The girls and Pop love them, personally I am not a fan I prefer chocolate! It was a fun day!
Saturday we once again took Hayden to the jumping thing so that Aunt Kim could see her do it! She was so excited she didn't eat any of her lunch. However this time my little Gracie decided she wanted to do it too! I figured she would get scared and start crying, but she LOVED it, she had a huge smile on her face the whole time and she didn't care how high she went either. Then we come home to enjoy some Georgia football and it was a great game!
I think this concludes our busy holiday weekend. Too bad we all have to get back on schedule tomorrow, but we only have three weeks and it will be Christmas break!!! I am so ready for Christmas!!!
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