Saturday night we took the girls to the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds to see the lights, we also invited Mimi and Pop so they could see how excited the girls would be. I thought it was pretty neat how the music and lights went together, but Hayden wasn't as excited as I thought she would be. Gracie was too busy sitting up front pushing all the buttons in the car, oh well there is always next year. However, even though they weren't too excited about the lights they loved the Santa workshop at the end. They had pony rides, slides and yes the jumping thing, which is officially called "the spider jump". Gracie loved the pony ride so much that she screamed when she had to get off and all Hayden wanted to do was JUMP.
Check out that big smile:
Sunday we had Christmas with my Daddy's side of the family. It was nice to hang out and eat some yummy dressing. My Aunt Pam makes the best dressing in the world!!! Everything was fun except the fact that my daddy's wife didn't bring him, oh well guess I will keep my negative thoughts to myself. The girls had fun and got presents, which they LOVE! Then after that we had to go to my Pop's side of the family. It was fun too, they always play the white elephant gift exchange which can get pretty interesting. Everybody always tries to still Mema's gift and she gets so agitated. The girls were completely worn out and fell asleep in the car on the way home, but when we got home they were ready to go again! Good thing we didn't have to get up early Monday morning, well except Mark but he was a good sport.
Monday we spent the day or I should say I spent the day cleaning the house and washing clothes. The girls enjoyed a little down time and played and watched their shows on TV. Nothing exciting but it is nice to have the house pretty much ready for Christmas.
Tuesday we met Grandmama and Linda at the Mall so they could watch the girls on the jumping thing. Then we went to the Olive Garden for lunch, my favorite. After that Hayden went to spend the night with Mimi and Pop. She had lots of fun and went Christmas shopping and got us some gifts. I can't wait to see what she picked out. She had so much fun that she cried when she had to come home, which kind of hurt my feelings but I got over it. She ended up crying all the way home and then pouting for about 30 minutes after we got home. I guess I should say she pouted until she realized the new Rapunzel pajamas and bed room shoes on her bed.
Tomorrow is grocery shopping and then Friday we will spend with my Mama's side of the family and get ready for SANTA!!!!!
Great! Can I please send my grocery list to you?!?! Can't wait to hear all about Christmas at MeMaws!! :)