Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday
I dropped Gracie off at Nana's about 10am and met Mimi at Belks. I got a new bedspread, since Hayden decided to cut a big hole in mine. I love it, it is so beautiful! Hayden had lots of fun helping us pick one out, she is definitely going to be a great her Aunt Kim! Once we got done at Belks...Hayden looked at Mimi and said "I want to go to another store" so we left there and decided to have lunch at Applebee's. It was very good, Hayden had already decided she wanted shrimp. What can I say she eats very good and isn't picky at all, unlike her baby sister. She couldn't eat all of it so we got a to go box and brought it home. Once we got done with lunch Hayden says "I want to go to another store" so we went to Old Navy and got the girls a few things. While we were checking out she looks at Mimi and says "I want to go to another store" I guess you get the picture by now. That girl LOVES to shop! Finally after three or four more stores she decided she was getting tired and was ready to go to Nana's. We had so much fun shopping with Mimi today, it has been a LONG time since I have shopped like that! Maybe it is something we can do every year, except we need Aunt Kim to join us too! The official girls day out!
When we got back to Nana's house, Gracie was glad to see us! Nana said she was such a good little girl today. She played with Mama's little dog and all her toys I packed up for her. I made sure I packed all the loud and obnoxious toys this morning, after all those are the most entertaining. She took a 2 hour nap, I guess I need to find out Nana's secret and then ate a big lunch! I am so glad she was good because when I left she was screaming MaMa! I think Nana had fun today too, she says Gracie has an excellent personality.
While we were in town I decided to go by and see Mema and Pop too. Then I remembered that I had the to go boxes of food in the car, so I decided to take them inside and put them in Mema's refrigerator. We spent some time playing and Hayden always draws Mema a new picture for her fridge and we were all having fun until Gracie started fussing. I guess she was ready to call it a day, she was ready to come home to all her stuff. We loaded up the car and were almost home when I realized I left the food at Mema's house...Well needless to say I had to turn around and go all the way back to get it. Hayden was crying and begging me to go back because she really wanted her shrimp for dinner. I went back and Pop brought it out to the car so I didn't have to come back inside. When we got home she ate every single shrimp that was left and every single french fry too! I guess it was worth it to see her enjoy it so much!
Now I have two very tired little girls, so I guess I need to go get them in the bathtub and ready to night night! We had a great time today Mimi!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
They liked that baby cow:
That cow got Hayden's shirt and Gracie thinks it is really funny:
Sweet girls:
Our PERFECT tree:
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Hayden's 1st Hunting Trip
When they got home, Hayden helped clean the birds(yuck). She is an excellent helper with everything. We did finally convince her that there weren't any cockaburrows in her vest so we could take a few pictures with the birds. She looks so proud! I hope next time she will enjoy it more, she was so excited about it all when they left this morning. Here is how the trip went:
Sue is after those birds...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Open House at GWA

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
This is how it went...
Mommy buys a turkey at the grocery store. She cooks it at home for 2 to 3 hours at 5 degrees or maybe 300. She puts tomato sauce on top. Daddy cuts it up and then Mommy puts it all in a bowl. I like it!
I figured every one could use a good laugh!
Monday, November 16, 2009
I have already promised that when Mark gets home tonight, they can bring Ms. Sue in again, since it is going to be dark outside. Hayden keeps asking me "When is Daddy coming home?" I told her he will be here in a minute and she says "Well, I wish he would come on!"
I don't have a very good picture yet, but we did take this one last night.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Letter to Santa Claus
Oh, we also decorated our house with all our Christmas stuff yesterday! Well, except for our big tree, Mark has to have a real tree, so I have to wait a little longer for that. Yes, I know it isn't even Thanksgiving yet, but Hayden and I couldn't wait any longer. I have always loved the holidays, but I love them even more now because I see how much my girls LOVE it. Gracie is also fascinated with all of the new things out especially the lights on the little Christmas trees. Hayden decorated her Pink Christmas tree in her room the way she wanted it. She did an excellent job! It is called, I bet you can't guess...The PRINCESS CHRISTMAS TREE! We had so much fun, it was to bad Mark had to work, but boy was he surprised when he got home!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Christmas Pictures

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thanksgiving Lunch

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pajama Day
The Preschool also wanted them to bring their favorite teddy bear to school with them today. Hayden could care less about a teddy bear, but I found a princess baby doll outfit in her room and put it on a little white teddy bear and told her that the teddy bear is a princess bear, which seemed to work out pretty good. Sometimes I surprise myself with my cute little ideas! In order for her to take the thing that makes her most comfortable, it would have to be TIRED and there was no way I was sending it to preschool today. Two reasons TIRED wasn't allowed to visit Preschool today and they are...One, no one is allowed to touch TIRED and Two...If she lost it, it would be really bad. TIRED is much to special to take any chances, she holds on to it all the way to school and leaves it in her car seat. When I pick her up the first thing she does it pick up and start sucking her thumb. She did inform me the other day that her teachers will not let her suck her thumb at school. At first I felt sorry for her, but then went on to tell her that when big girls are at school they don't need to suck their thumb, that she is supposed to be having fun with all her classmates and learning all kinds of new things. Then I told her that she only needs to suck her thumb when she is going to take a nap or when she goes to bed at night.
Notice she has her shoes on the wrong foot, Mark says he always wore his on the wrong foot too, apparently the Indians can't track you down that way!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009
Two cutie pies:
Now that's a happy baby:
Gracie decided that she really has missed riding in her stroller, so she found a new one to use in the house. It is actually Hayden's baby doll stroller, but she looked so cute playing in it. She can only go backwards she hasn't figured out how to go forward.
Hayden and Gracie also got to play outside a lot yesterday since the weather was so nice. They played with everyone...Grandmama, Linda, Thomas, Mimi, Pop, Kim, Artie, Heath and Alisha. Alisha got a new puppy and Hayden had lots of fun with it, she took very good care of it like a baby. They had so much FUN!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Cleaning the Yard

While Mark was making a trip down to the dumpster, Hayden decided she was going to follow him in her Gator. She put it in high speed and went through all the rough parts of the yard. You should have seen her bouncing around in that Gator! Well, all was good until she hit the one big bump and this is what happened....
It was so funny, we couldn't help laughing at her, she just sat there looking at us like...what just happened and when Mark and Gracie pulled the tractor in front of her...her eyes were as big as they could get. I think Mark was proud, because after he got her out of the hole, she put her Gator back in high speed and hit that hole again and managed to get the front tires out but not the back, Mommy had to give her a little push.
Having kids is so much fun, you never know what they are going to do next. They always make us laugh whatever it is!
Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Here are a few pictures, I wasn't able to edit them yet but they are cute:

Hayden and I have been putting Gracie in the bed with us in the mornings, since the time change everyone is getting up earlier. Mark used to put Hayden in the bed with me when she was little every morning before he went to work. She would snuggle up with me and go back to sleep and when it was time for me to get up and get ready for work, I would put her back in her bed. I loved my snuggle time with Punkin! Gracie on the other hand is like a wild baby in the bed, she doesn't want to lay down, snuggle or be quiet. She is constantly talking to Hayden and trying to climb on top of Hayden and I. Hayden says Gracie is no longer allowed to get in the bed with us, she has to stay in her bed because it is not nice to wake her up! The only time Gracie snuggles is when she is ready to take a nap, she will get in my lap with pooh bear and her cup, and when she is ready to give hugs and kisses I take all I can get!!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Yearly Calendar

It is actually a bagel but to a three year old I suppose it does look like a doughnut! It was really cute and she is very proud of it, she is planning on making lots more.
Since it was such a beautiful day today, I thought it would be a good day to put the girls in their Christmas dresses Mimi and Pop bought them and try to get a couple of pictures for my yearly calendar. I try to put a picture that has something to do with each month, but last year Gracie was so little there are not many pictures of them together, so I thought I had a good plan. Well that plan went south fast. Hayden didn't really want to cooperate which made me agitated, so then Hayden got agitated and then Gracie got agitated... Well you get the picture! So we took a break and come inside got some juice and calmed down for a little while and went back out and tried again. I wasn't sure if there would be another perfect day like today. The weather is beautiful and warm, so nobody would be freezing and I wanted to do them outside like the Halloween pictures. I ended up getting some cute pictures, not sure if it is really what I wanted but it is something to work with. I have a whole new respect for photographers when they work by themselves, when one kid was looking the other was taking off across the yard, or crying, or pouting. Here is how our photo shoot went:It started out with Gracie making faces and a fingerprint on the lens:

Hayden looking and Gracie eating grass:
This is actually one of the best of them together:

Hayden being silly and Gracie not even looking:

Gracie looking and Hayden not paying attention:

I think I had a little too much light but it does make her hair look even more beautiful:

Yes Mimi, Hayden is rolling in the grass in her new dress:

As you can see we had an interesting photo shoot! I thought everyone would enjoy this! Hopefully they will do better when we go to have professional Christmas pictures done, although last year the pictures were horrible, I guess if nothing else I could always use the one of Hayden rolling down the hill and Gracie almost falling over for our yearly Christmas card. I bet no one else would have anything like it.