Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Whew, we have been so busy!  Hayden had a softball game on Saturday and she played so good.   Then we came home and spent the day at home enjoying the day all together.  Then on Sunday morning she had her ballet pictures for the recital.  She looked simply gorgeous in her fancy outfit.  After that we went to some friends house to have some oysters and crawfish, Hayden loves crawfish as much or maybe even more than her Daddy.  She also tried a oyster and she takes after her Mommy in that area....can you say DISGUSTING!!!!!   She was spitting it out of her mouth as fast as it went in!  It was quite funny!   Then it was home to get ready for school, this is the first week since spring break that we have been some what back to normal.  It is actually kind of nice!   We had a busy morning yesterday,  we took Hayden to school, early which is very unusual for us!  Then we had to go to Mark's office to turn in some paperwork and be back at Hayden's school by 8:30 to be computer Mom.  Mrs. Baxter felt so sorry for me because I had Colton and Gracie too, but I told her that I was just used to it and that Hayden would be so disappointed if I didn't stay to do computer, but I also thought it was super nice of her to offer to help me out!  Then we took Gracie to school a little bit late but it was okay and then Colton and I went to the eye doctor.  If you want a fast eye appointment just take a 11 month screaming baby boy with you!  They get you in and out of there pretty fast.  I also got me some glasses and while picking them out, Colton was steadily throwing things out of his stroller and reaching for all the glasses on the shelf, he wasn't bad but he was tired and ready to go!  He fell asleep as soon as we got in the car, so when I got to Preschool, I waited for Madison's mommy to get there so that I didn't have to wake up Colton.  She is so nice to stay and watch my car when I need her to!  He ended up sleeping for 2 1/2 hrs, which he needed to!

Today my baby boy is 11 months old, where in the world is the time going?  He is getting so big and doing so many things.  He is almost ready to walk, he walks behind all of his toys but refuses to take that first step to Mommy or Daddy!  He is starting to talk more....he says....Mama, Da Da, More, Bye Bye, Hey, and really not sure what Huh means but he says it non stop!  He loves to play or maybe I should say aggravate his loving sisters!  He is such a little mess and he is definitely all BOY!  He climbs on everything and still eats anything he can find.  We sure do love you Little Man, and I can't believe that we are going to be celebrating your first birthday a month from today! 

Hayden had her cap and gown pictures this morning,  again where in the world has the time gone?  Is she really graduating Kindergarten?  Is she really already 6 years old?  Can it be so?  Guess what, it is so....she is really graduating Kindergarten, she is definitely 6 years old and it is finally setting in that she is will be a 1st grader next year!  As I type this I have tears running down my cheeks,   happy tears and very proud tears!  Oh, how I love all my babies and so proud of all of their accomplishments.   Her graduation is May 24th, yes it is on Colton's first birthday!  What a day for us Stancil family, a very happy day!  

1 comment:

  1. And I thought I was busy with just one child. lol I am excited for Hayden and little man's first birthday. Time sure does fly when your having fun. They all are so precious.

