everyday for the past three weeks. Stephanie called this morning and wanted to know if Hayden and Gracie would be interested in going bowling with Kierstin. I asked Hayden if she wanted to go and she just squealed very loudly, I assumed that was a yes and called to tell Stephanie that we would be there!
When we first walked into the bowling alley, it was very loud and Hayden wasn't too sure what was going on. She kept saying "Mommy why is it so loud?" I told her it was because everyone was having such a good time. Hayden has been bowling one other time but it was about two years ago, so of course she didn't remember what to do. Kierstin went first...She has been bowling several times, so she was a little more experienced! Hayden paid very close attention and then she threw and I do mean threw her ball down the lane and on her first time she got a STRIKE! I knew her Daddy would be proud and yes he is competitive! She had no idea why we were all excited until I told her that is point of the game...to knock down all the pins! I guess I should also add, that we did have the bumpers up but it does still count for a 4 year old. She also had a gutter ball, which I have no idea how that happened, except for she just hurled the ball as hard as she could and it went right over the bumpers and right in the gutter! She was a little confused as she watched her ball so I had to explain to her that she had to be a little more careful and make sure to throw it down her lane. The best part was that after every turn they had, it didn't matter if it were only one pin down, they did a celebration dance. In fact at one point we had to tell them not to celebrate so much because they were interfering with the people beside us....Because you see the celebration dance consisted of them holding hands and going around and around in circles and telling each other "good job". It was really cute, but I don't think the people beside us thought so, my theory is oh well, we will probably never see them again anyway, Right?! They bowled two games, the score was very interesting both times, but I was pretty impressed with their skills and boy did they have a great time. At the end of the second game, they were both holding one ball and slinging it down the lane together, not really sure if it were safe or not, but no one got hurt. This might be another reason the people beside were looking at us funny because yes after they would throw the ball together, still no matter how many pins were knocked over they did the celebration dance!!!
Go Baby Go!!!
SRIKE, I took the picture before all the pins fell down(sorry)!
I was really surprised she didn't tell me those shoes were UGLY! She is very picky about her shoes:
The first game totals, I only took this to prove to her Daddy that she really did get a STRIKE!
After we left the bowling alley, we had to make a quick stop at Wal-Mart(aka grocery store) for a few necessities and I do mean necessities(toilet paper, trash bags and dishwasher detergent, can't survive without these things at our house). As soon as we get in the car now the first thing Hayden says is "Can I listen to my songs?" I have to clarify by saying her songs are things like If you're happy and you know it and Little bunny foo foo, and I bet since you read those titles you are singing the rest of the song...Right? So in other words don't ask me if I have heard any of the new songs out because chances are I have not heard them unless they are on our children's CD. I would also like to add that it really doesn't bother me because at least I don't have to worry about my girls running around singing inappropriate things and if you could hear them singing along it would make your day. Yes, we usually look like ridiculous people going down the road singing and dancing. Oh yeah and by the way there are no quick stops when I have the girls. I even explained to them on the way in...We are only getting a few things that we have to have, we ARE NOT buying a bunch of things today. Unfortunately they do not ever listen, the good news is that the things that distracted us today were bananas and chewing gum...At least it wasn't a toy!!! Also, every time I buy bananas, they have to have one right then( Sorry Wal-Mart, but a Mommy's got do what a Mommy's got to do to keep those children from pitching a fit)! We made it out in a record time of 15 minutes, I was very excited, I guess they are improving on Mommy's idea of a quick stop! I am really just kidding, my girls are always angels and would never pitch a fit or have to have anything in the grocery store!!!
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