Hayden and Gracie take it easy on Mondays and Tuesdays! We always have something else fun to do for the rest of the week including the weekend, so Monday and Tuesday is actually their weekend for resting! They enjoy it too because they play so hard the rest of the week they need these two days to chill. We usually spend Wednesdays with Aunt Kim and Mimi, Thursdays with Mema and Pop and Nana and Steve, Friday is officially grocery shopping and running errands day, Saturday and Sunday we spend time with friends and family swimming and cooking out! Anyway back to my point, they need these two days to rest and Mommy uses these two days to clean and wash clothes. They love watching TV in the living room and Gracie is starting to get into certain shows too especially Mickey Mouse, which I have decided that she is going have a Mickey and Minnie Mouse birthday party! They love to play pretend and wear every single pair of Mommy's shoes. They play with their baby dolls and Hayden even pretends that she is the Mommy and Gracie is her baby, which sometimes takes a bad turn and they end up fighting because Gracie isn't listening. They both have great imaginations and it is hilarious! I love watching them play together. In fact sometimes I just sit and listen to them and I can't help myself but to laugh at the things they say to each other. Hayden definitely listens to everything I say to her because I hear her saying the same things to Gracie!
Oh and I also tried to start potty training Gracie yesterday and let me just say that she is not ready yet! She would say "pee pee" as it was dribbling down her legs instead of trying to go sit on the potty! I only tried it because Hayden was so excited when I pulled out the training panties for Gracie and I was kind of hoping by some miracle that Gracie would just pick up on it, but oh well! Hayden didn't potty train until she was about 2 1/2 years old and Gracie will be 2 in September so there is still plenty of time to work on it. I also tried to potty train Hayden at about this same age and it didn't work either, so I feel confident that in another 6 months Gracie will be ready to be a big girl! Once Hayden decided she was ready to be a big girl and wear princess panties it only took about 3 or 4 days to completely potty train her, I certainly hope to report the same thing about Gracie in approximately 6 months but I know that every child is different! Hayden never even wore pull ups to bed at night, and she has only had a couple of accidents! The funniest part of yesterday was Hayden, she was very disappointed in Gracie for pee peeing on the floor, she kept saying "Gracie, you have to tell me when you need to go potty", see how much help and support I have! Although this morning as soon as Gracie had a "poo poo" diaper(I know that everyone is enjoying my choice of words) she came and told me and wanted her diaper changed and at that point Hayden was excited that she told us! I truly believe that there is no reason to push the issue until she is ready herself!!!
I was also looking at some old pictures this morning and realized that on July 12, 2004 we got our Certificate of Occupancy on our house! It is so hard to believe that we have been living in our dream house for 6 years now! It is amazing how much stuff is in this house now!!! It also made me remember when Mark proposed to me in September of 2004(no sorry I don't remember the exact date, I think it was the 22nd) it was our house warming party, and his exact words were "Thank you to all of our family and friends for helping us build this house, but right now it is just a house and I am ready to make it a home" and then he got down on one knee. I just remember being so surprised and happy! Now six years later we have two amazing little girls and the happiest marriage ever in our wonderful HOME!!!
Playing Pretend - The story that I got is...Hayden is the Mommy and Gracie is the baby(which is why she is in the baby doll bed) they had the blinds closed and the door closed because it was night night time:
Helping Mommy fold towels, for some reason Hayden loves to help fold clothes. I am thinking in the future maybe that can be one of her chores:
Taking it easy watching TV:I don't know why but I thought this was so cute and sweet when I got finished making up all the beds they were just chillin watching TV with Tired and Pooh and sucking their thumbs:

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