Thursday, July 22, 2010


While we were on vacation, Hayden got a letter from the church she went to preschool at inviting her to come listen to a storyteller, unfortunately I don't remember the storytellers name!  The letter also informed us that we could come early and bring our own picnic lunch, well our picnic lunch consisted of Mickey D's.  The kids liked it and it saved me from having to pack a variety of lunch items, being that Gracie Leigh is so picky! 

It was so funny because even though Hayden knew a lot of the people, she converted back to being very shy and not wanting to talk to anyone.  While we were eating our healthy lunch, Mrs. Christie came walking in and that put a big smile on Hayden's face!  Although, Hayden was very pleased to see Mrs. Christie, she was even a little shy with her.  Mrs. Christie told Hayden that she was so glad that her little face was the first one she saw when she came in.  I thought that was very sweet!  After we got done with our lunch we moved to the center of the room, the kids were supposed to sit in the floor and the adults had chairs.  I found a chair on the end so that I could either sit in a chair or on the floor with my girls.  When I first sat down, Hayden decided that she did not want to sit on the floor with all the other kids, she wanted to sit right beside me.  Then when Luke, one of her classmates came over, he also wanted to sit in the chairs right beside Hayden.  I kept asking them if they were sure they wanted to sit in the chairs instead of on the floor and they kept on telling me YES!  I didn't argue with Hayden, I figured when she realized what was going on she would move, and that is exactly what happened.

They storyteller came out as "Queen Glitter" dressed in a pink princess gown with a tiara.  Of course at that moment she had Hayden's full attention.  She told 3 amazing stories and also had all the children participate with her.  It was really neat, and all of the kids were so excited to be able to also tell parts of the stories.  I have to admit that I really enjoyed it too!  Gracie did very well, she listened to about the first story and after that she decided to try to do flips in the floor.  I figured as long as she wasn't bothering anyone or pitching a fit, it would be perfectly fine! 

At the end of the story "Queen Glitter" had a thing of glitter that she would rub on each kid's nose, if they wanted it.  I think Hayden was the first in line.  Then there was even more excitement when they noticed that there was Popsicles and Ice Cream afterwards.  We actually got two pops to go because we were headed to Nana and Steve's house to go swimming with Lyla and Katie for the afternoon.

Lyla and Hayden played great together, they swam for about an hour and then they ended up going inside and spending the remaining of the time playing in Lyla's room.  Gracie and Katie spent a lot of time in the playhouse and then they too ended up inside playing in Katie's room, or maybe just aggravating their big sisters, who knows? 

It was a great day, and we had lots of fun!!!

Paying very close attention:

Queen Glitter, the storyteller:

Gracie has lost interest, decided to do flips instead:

Hard to see in this picture, but she has a little bit of the glitter on her nose:

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