Saturday, March 27, 2010

More Antibiotics

Well yesterday started out by having lots of fun. Hayden, Gracie and myself went to the Mall with Stephanie, Kierstin and Mark Brantley to see the Easter Bunny and shop too!!! As always Hayden and Kierstin were very excited to be together, they shop very well and they even had to have a matching dress! Gracie and Mark Brantley were both excellent shoppers too. Gracie stayed in her stroller the whole time and never once fussed to get out, I must admit I was very surprised! The main focus of the trip was to buy Easter shoes for everyone and to see the Easter Bunny. When we finally made it over to the Easter Bunny, Kierstin and Mark Brantley were very excited and took an excellent picture! Hayden would not go within 10 feet of the Easter Bunny and well, Gracie held her arms up and started screaming Mama...So needless to say their our no Easter Bunny pictures of the Stancil girls this year. Hayden didn't like the Easter Bunny last year either but she promised me she was going to like him this year. After everything was said and done she explained to me why she didn't like this Easter Bunny...It is because the Easter Bunny this year was brown and she only likes the Easter Bunny that is white. I told her that sure is funny because last year the Easter Bunny was white and she still wouldn't have anything to do with him. Oh, well the Easter Bunny is a little scary looking! I noticed the whole time we were shopping that Hayden wasn't quite acting like herself, but when she wouldn't eat I knew something was off, she is my kid that always eats well, Gracie is the one who usually picks at everything. I just figured she was tired, but I didn't think she could possible be getting sick again so I continued our shopping trip to Toys R Us to buy the Toy Story movies, yes we bought both of them. I think I was more excited about them than the girls were, I can't help I still like little kid movies! Then after that we went to visit Nana and Steve and Mema and Pop. My Mama had a painting done from one of Gracie's one year photos, just like she had done for Hayden at it was ready for pick up yesterday, so we went to get it. I couldn't wait until next week I have been excited about getting it...It turned out beautiful, just like the one of Hayden. Now I just have to figure out where to hang both of them together. Once again I noticed that Hayden seemed very tired but I figured it was from being on the go all day.

Well we finally made it home and we were getting ready to go to an Easter Egg Hunt when I she told me she was cold and I noticed she had chills. I knew immediately after that, that she had a fever. So I took her temperature and it was 102.5 so I called Dr. Beeber and the lady took a message for him to call me back. Keep in mind this is a 5pm as the doctor's office is closing, but Dr. Beeber called me back and told me to get in the car and come right then that he would wait on me. Well unfortunately for Hayden he ended up giving her two shots and two more antibiotics and wanted to see her again this morning. As I have mentioned before Hayden is terrified of shots, so once I told her we had to pull her pants down, she went to crying and telling me "No", well I finally got her pants down and she ended up kicking over the chair in the office and it took me and Dr. Beeber to hold her down. She has got to be the strongest 4 year old I know! So we got up this morning and noticed that Gracie also had a fever and bad cough, so we went ahead and took both of them this morning. Hayden, once again had to have two more shots, but she did very good today I think it was because her Daddy was there with her. I personally think it is because Mommy always has to do all the mean and bad stuff! Oh and Gracie ended up on two antibiotics but she didn't have to get a shot.

The girls are feeling better and playing just fine! I just wish it wasn't going to rain tomorrow so we could have another beautiful day to go outside and enjoy. Mimi and Pop are coming over tomorrow and that always makes for two happy little girls even if we can't go outside!!!

1 comment:

  1. Herpes is a serious and recurring disease that cannot be cured by drugs or injections by American doctors, but the best way to fight against herpes is to take natural herbal medicines for it, I read about DR JAMES, the great herbal doctor who cures me of herpes with his powerful herbal medicine. I contacted him to find out how he could help me and he told me never to worry that he would help me with his powerful herbal mix medicine! After 2 days of contact with him, he told me that the cure was ready and he sent it to me through DHL COURIER SERVICE and it got to me in 3 days ! I used the medication as directed (MORNING and EVENING) and I was cured! It's really like a dream but I'm so happy! for people suffering from the following diseases, Cancer, hypothyroidism, Herpes, COPD, HIV, Arthritis, Hpv, Infections, Liver disease, Autoimmune diseases, Parkinson's disease, Lupus and more should contact him for his herbal medicine because I am a living testimony and I was cured of herpes and his medicine is legitimate. I sent him what he asked for and he sent me his medication which I took for a good 3 weeks and today I am here with a negative result. When I went for the test, I'm so happy after taking his medication I'm so happy to share this testimony because i'm a living testimony that Dr James is a true herbal cure master
