Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So yesterday Hayden and Gracie had what I call their first REAL fight. They were fighting over the pieces to Hayden's puzzle, and yes I have tried to tell her that she either has to put it together when Gracie is asleep or at a place that Gracie can't reach, like the kitchen table instead of her princess table but for some reason she just will not do that. Gracie likes to clean up, so she was trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle back in the box and Hayden kept telling her to stop, well she doesn't completely understand yet so she kept taking the pieces and putting them in the box. I just sat back and watched to see what would happen...The next thing I know Hayden told Gracie to give the piece back to her and Gracie took off running, so Hayden got up and pushed her down on the floor and that was just the beginning. Gracie of course started crying and wasn't sure what had just happened, so she kept screaming while sitting on the floor and Hayden told her to please be quiet and of course Gracie screamed even louder, so Hayden got up and held Gracie down and put her hand over her mouth and yes at this point Mommy had to get involved. I told Hayden to please stop that Gracie just doesn't understand, so I tried to get Gracie involved with one of her own puzzles, even one that makes sounds, but she could have cared less...she wanted Hayden's puzzle. So Gracie went back over to Hayden's puzzle and took another piece and once again Hayden pushed her down on the floor except this time Gracie didn't just cry and scream and wait for attention...She immediately got up very upset and went straight over to Hayden and grabbed two handfuls of hair and pulled as hard as she could. Yes, at this point Mommy was tired of the fighting so had to punish both of them...I made Hayden go to her room and since I wasn't real sure how to punish Gracie, I popped her little hand(no not very hard Mimi and Pop) and told her no no we don't pull hair and put her in her baby bed for about a minute. I only made Hayden stay in her room for a minute too and after that they got along a little better. It was very interesting and hopefully they learned that fighting is not the answer to the problem, but I have a feeling there will be plenty more fights in the future.

Gracie has also learned how to take her clothes off. She took her pants off while she was supposed to be napping on Sunday and I didn't think to much about it, but today she learned to take her shirt off and she did not want to put it back on. Hayden said she looked like a little boy running around. So I spent the majority of the afternoon chasing her around the house and making her put her shirt back on. Gracie also says "cheese" when she sees the camera now, at least she is smiling for the camera now...It used to take lots of work to get a good picture and these days it seems they are all good pictures.


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