Sunday, March 14, 2010


Yesterday morning Mark and I took the girls to IHOP, and of course they didn't eat hardly anything. They always both eat a good healthy breakfast every morning but for some reason when we go out for breakfast they don't eat anything. Then we went to the grocery store, I always shop at Wal-Mart because I know where everything is, but when you take Mark and two little girls with you somehow we spend too much money. I guess it is okay to splurge and have some fun every once in a while. When tried to play outside a little bit but it was just too windy, but while Gracie was napping Mark took Hayden outside to play a little soccer. I think Mark actually really enjoys playing soccer too! Watching them play yesterday made me realize that Mark would be a great soccer coach if Hayden does decide she wants to play soccer. He has lots of patience and makes her try to do something even when she says she can't do it. Later yesterday afternoon Mimi, Pop and Kim came over to play and eat dinner. Mark and Kim both played soccer with Hayden. I think everyone enjoys getting outside and playing like a little kid again. I know I do, I jump on the trampoline, slide and play soccer when it is pretty outside during the week!!! Kierstin and Mark Brantley also came over to play! Hayden was so excited that Kierstin was coming to her house. They played dress up most of the night and some video games, the educational kind that is. They also both actually fell asleep last night, and it wasn't even too late. Gracie had fun playing with Mark Brantley, she has decided that she doesn't want to try to keep up with Hayden and Kierstin. Mark Brantley was sitting on Gracie's little princess couch playing and she just sat down right beside him. She also gave him big hugs and kisses. It was really cute and it won't be much longer before Gracie and Mark Brantley will be chasing their big sisters around and aggravating them all the time.

Gracie and Mark Brantley:

So cute:

Hayden and Kierstin playing video games:

Gracie giving big hugs:

Happy Baby:

1 comment:

  1. It's going to be pretty interseting when Mark Brantley can walk. Hayden and Kierstin just don't know what's coming!
