Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus Party

Today was Hayden's Happy Birthday Jesus Party at school. Gracie and I got to the party a little early and helped everyone set up. Gracie and Mark Brantley played a little...Well Mark Brantley sat in his stroller and Gracie pulled on his feet and hands. This is the first time Gracie hasn't had to sit in the stroller! She had a lot of fun walking around and visiting with every one. Hayden was excited, as usual to see Gracie and myself! She ran right to me and gave me one of those BIG special hugs! For the party they got to have pizza and cupcakes...Every kids dream! Hayden decided she wanted a piece of cheese pizza and she ate about half of it, but it was a big piece. The other half, Gracie enjoyed very much! The cupcakes were decorated with green icing, which turned all their little mouths and teeth GREEN! After they all got done eating the cupcakes took effect and they all started running around and going crazy. Oh, and Gracie beat up her first little boy today. I am not sure what happened but I looked over and she was knocking him over on the floor and ended up laying on top of him. Hayden, Kierstin and Addie were just standing there watching the excitement...I guess they knew they would get in trouble and end up on the yellow light. Gracie has a lot to learn! I apologized to the little boys mother, but she just laughed and said he probably deserved it!

The dress she picked to wear today:

Mark Brantley at the party:

Hayden and Kierstin waiting to eat lunch:

Yummy, Pizza:

Green teeth from the cupcake:

Gracie beating up a little boy:

Hayden always makes me a proud Mommy, but today was one of the proudest moments ever. Mrs. Christie told me that Hayden is the most loving, caring, patient and wonderful little girls ever...And yes she did use those words! Mrs. Christie says that Hayden never gets upset or acts out. Of course, I knew this already, but when she told me all those wonderful things about my precious girl I thought I was going to cry(proud cry). I guess this means that Mark and I are doing a great job with our children! Mrs. Sue also shared with me that Hayden is a very sweet little girl and that she loves the fact that we have a dog named Ms. Sue, I can only imagine what she has told them. Mrs. Sue did know that our dog is a hunting dog and stays in a cage(ha ha)!

After the kids got done with their lunch, they made a reindeer ornament...Or should I say all the parents made a very cute reindeer ornament! Hayden did help stuff the reindeer and glued the eyes, nose and mouth on it...I just did the harder parts for her. It is cute, except our poor little reindeer has already lost an eye, but I hung it on the tree anyway! Mrs. Christie had all the kids line up after they all finished their ornament. Kierstin was the line leader today, and she did an excellent job leading them all back to their classroom. Mrs. Christie had them all sit on the rug for rug time. They had been working on two songs to sing for all of us parents. It was so cute. They first song they passed around a candle, star and Shepard's hook...When Mrs. Christie would ask "Who has the Candle?" whoever had it would say "I have the Candle" it was sweet and Hayden actually did a very good job and didn't get shy and scared (yay)! The next song was about baby Jesus and they all sang together...You are not going to believe this but Hayden was the loudest singer...Yes, my little Hayden was the loudest. She was so proud of herself, even Stephanie told me how proud she was of Hayden for not being shy today. I guess school is starting to pay off in that area! Gracie however tried to get in on the singing and kept walking through their circle for rug time. Mrs. Christie kept telling me she was fine, but I wanted all the other parents to be able to watch their little one instead of my little entertainer in the center of the circle.

Mimi, I am so sorry you were not able to make it today, it was so much fun and you would have been very proud!
Reindeer ornament, we forgot to fix the ears before the picture:
Rug time:
Showing off what they have learned:
There goes Gracie to be the center of attention:
Hayden singing the loudest:

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