Gracie had lots of fun playing in the rocking chairs and she even colored for the first time today. It was very cute, she was concentrating very hard to make a pretty picture. Gracie seemed to like Hopper pretty well, although she wanted to hold him instead of pet him and when she was done she wanted to just push poor little Hopper in the floor...Thank goodness Linda and Hayden were there to protect him. Gracie spent the majority time walking around trying to figure out what every one was doing.
When we all got ready to leave Grandmama's house, Hayden wanted to go play with Tiger(Mimi's new kitty). Gracie fell asleep on the way to Mimi's house, so Hayden only got to play with Tiger few minutes. I finally convinced her it was time to go home, but I think she is planning to spend the night with Mimi and Pop tomorrow night, so she will have plenty of time with Tiger!
We had a good time today, I wasn't much help in the kitchen...I'm not very good at cooking the goodies! I only make buttermilk and coconut pies! I stick to the things I know I am good at!!!
I can't wait until Christmas! Santa is coming SOON! I can only imagine Hayden's face Christmas morning, I am sure it is going to be priceless!
Hayden and Grandmama:

Hayden's cute apron:

What a beautiful smile:

Gracie found some toys:

Aunt Linda and Hayden making special cookies:

Gracie being silly:

She looks like a professional:

Look at that concentration:

Rock, Rock:

Gracie and Hopper:

Hayden and Hopper:

Such sweet girls! I love that they are all dressed up to bake cookies.I can't wait until Eli can do fun things like that!