Well lets see if I can remember everything...Christmas Eve, we spent with my Mama and her family. It was the first set of presents this season. Hayden didn't even want to eat...she wanted to go straight to opening presents. I bet if I heard one time...I heard it a thousand times...Hey, Mommy I'm ready to open presents! I finally convinced her she had to eat something first, so she picked at a little bit of food and proceeded to tell every one else to hurry up so she could open her presents. Mema says she is just like me, I used to do the same thing every year. I mean as a child, who cares about food! Hayden was so excited about her gift from Nana and Steve. They gave her the fancy Snow White dress, shoes, jewelry and purse. Her face was totally priceless when she saw it in the box!!! Gracie got a baby doll and bottle from Nana and Steve and while every one else was opening their presents she sat on Mema's foot stool and pretended to feed her baby! It was a great Christmas. After we got done at Mema's house we came home to prepare for Santa Claus!
We had a lot to do to get ready for Santa. We put all of new stuff up that we got from Mema's and then the girls took a long bath and put on their Christmas pajamas! After the girls got out ready for bed, we opened presents just the four of us. Mark gave me a really nice wine cooler and stuff for a nice hot bubble bath(to use all by myself). I gave him a remote control car and helicopter. I think he was happy...I didn't know what to buy for him this year. The girls got matching newborn baby dolls, Hayden's has blue eyes and Gracie's has brown...I am pretty sure Gracie's eyes are turning brown like her Daddy's. Then we made Santa a buttermilk pie and put it on a special Santa plate and poured him a big glass of milk. After that we hung our Santa key outside, because it was very cold and raining so we had to have a fire! Last, but not least we read Twas the night before Christmas and Hayden liked it so much I had to read it three times. Gracie went to bed and we told Hayden it was time to go get in bed and well she refused and ended up crying and getting very upset! She kept telling us "I'm not tired!" I told her to come back in the living room and she sat in my lap for a little while and then decided to go watch TV in bed. Anyway, at about 11:30pm she finally fell asleep. Unfortunately by that time Santa was ready for bed too, but he got his spirit back and had so much fun setting up all those exciting toys. Santa just smiled the whole time thinking of those precious faces the next morning!
Christmas morning came very fast being that Santa didn't leave until about 2am. We had the clock set for 6:30am so that the girls would have plenty of time to play with their new toys before we left to go to Grandmama's house. You should have seen those little smiling faces Christmas morning when they realized what was under the tree. Hayden even told us "Wow Santa left me lots of presents". They didn't know what to play with first. Hayden loved her scooter and skates...those were the things she continously asked for. Gracie was so excited about her pink car...It has a remote control for Mark and I to control so that she can ride around while Hayden drives her Gator. They had so much fun going from toy to toy saying look Mommy and Daddy. Don't worry we got it all on video and I tried to take lots of pictures, but well I was so excited I forgot about pictures! Oh and Hayden was so excited to see that Santa ate the whole piece of buttermilk pie and drank all of his milk!
Mark cooks breakfast for every one on Christmas morning...It has been a tradition for many years! Mark and Pop did an excellent job on the omelets, they were the best this year, or at least mine was(Hayden ate about half of it). Grandmama opened her presents and of course Hayden helped her. Hayden was having lots of fun, until she realized that all of her presents from Mimi and Pop were still at Mimi and Pop's house, so then it started. I think it went like this...Mimi I am ready to go to your house...Pop I'm ready to go to your house...Mommy I'm ready to go to Mimi and Pop's...Daddy I'm ready to go to Mimi and Pop's. I guess you get the picture, this continued for a good hour or so. Once Mark and Pop finished eating their breakfast, the cooks always eat last, we told her it was time to go. She gave very fast hugs to Grandmama and Linda and was at the car door ready to go! She could hardly wait, and she knew she had 11 presents to open at Mimi and Pop's. I don't think I have ever seen so many presents for two little girls in my life. Kim and Artie had bought as much or maybe even more than Mimi and Pop. Hayden had so much fun and got lots of special gifts. Mimi and Pop gave her all the stuff to completly decorate her room in Princess stuff(bedspread, sheets, curtains, and even a trash can). The also gave her the Princess castle and dolls, which we still haven't even opened yet, but we are getting to it! Kim and Artie gave her lots of great gifts including a new Snow White tent and Pink Cowboy Boots! I really don't remember everything there was so much! Gracie got lots of great toys too! Mimi and Pop gave her a giraffe that you pedal and it sings, which I know she is going to love. Kim and Artie gave her lots of bath toys and the silly town, which is where the blocks move up and down and sing. She really likes it too, even though it is still in the box. Mark and I lucked up this year too! Mimi and Pop gave me a new camera that will do everything I need it to do, I am so excited...I should be able to put some videos on the blog now! Mark got the GUN that he has been wanted for awhile! He was very surprised and excited! I love all my new clothes I got from Kim and Artie and well I don't even know what they gave Mark(Sorry). Oh I almost forgot Mimi and Pop gave Mark and I a picture of us from our wedding! We never bought any and in April we it will be our 5 year anniversary! It is in a gorgeous frame and hanging in my kitchen for every one to see(I LOVE IT)!
I think Mimi was very surprised by the gift that we gave her, it is been a well kept secret this year. I had two canvas paintings done from the beach pictures. There wasn't a good picture of the girls together, so I did one of each! In fact when they came from Shutterfly...I told Mark I might need to keep those for myself(just kidding)! I couldn't believe Hayden didn't tell because she was very excited about them too!

We had such a wonderful Christmas. Thank you to every one for all the gifts! This family is truly blessed and we love every one so much!!!
Randy and Gracie:

Santa's buttermilk pie and milk...her Daddy taught her how to make faces while taking pictures:

What a beautiful family:

Santa's key:

Hayden - Christmas Eve:

Santa left lots of presents, and there were more on the couch:

She loves her scooter:

Gracie's car:

Hayden likes the car too:

Going for a ride in Kim's present:

He got his GUN:

Hayden and Kim:

Gracie and Artie:

Hayden was so exited about her castle, Mimi got a big hug and kiss:

New hats from Kim and Artie...Cool Babies:

Gracie - Christmas Eve:

Hayden singing our favorite song that she has learned at school. It is so sweet!
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