Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Mommy and Hayden Day
Thank you Hayden for being such a sweet girl! I loved spending the day with you!!!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009
Cooking at Grandmama's House

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas at Aunt Beth's
What a cutie, in her pretty dress:
She loves her new baby doll:
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Jesus Party

Hayden always makes me a proud Mommy, but today was one of the proudest moments ever. Mrs. Christie told me that Hayden is the most loving, caring, patient and wonderful little girls ever...And yes she did use those words! Mrs. Christie says that Hayden never gets upset or acts out. Of course, I knew this already, but when she told me all those wonderful things about my precious girl I thought I was going to cry(proud cry). I guess this means that Mark and I are doing a great job with our children! Mrs. Sue also shared with me that Hayden is a very sweet little girl and that she loves the fact that we have a dog named Ms. Sue, I can only imagine what she has told them. Mrs. Sue did know that our dog is a hunting dog and stays in a cage(ha ha)!
After the kids got done with their lunch, they made a reindeer ornament...Or should I say all the parents made a very cute reindeer ornament! Hayden did help stuff the reindeer and glued the eyes, nose and mouth on it...I just did the harder parts for her. It is cute, except our poor little reindeer has already lost an eye, but I hung it on the tree anyway! Mrs. Christie had all the kids line up after they all finished their ornament. Kierstin was the line leader today, and she did an excellent job leading them all back to their classroom. Mrs. Christie had them all sit on the rug for rug time. They had been working on two songs to sing for all of us parents. It was so cute. They first song they passed around a candle, star and Shepard's hook...When Mrs. Christie would ask "Who has the Candle?" whoever had it would say "I have the Candle" it was sweet and Hayden actually did a very good job and didn't get shy and scared (yay)! The next song was about baby Jesus and they all sang together...You are not going to believe this but Hayden was the loudest singer...Yes, my little Hayden was the loudest. She was so proud of herself, even Stephanie told me how proud she was of Hayden for not being shy today. I guess school is starting to pay off in that area! Gracie however tried to get in on the singing and kept walking through their circle for rug time. Mrs. Christie kept telling me she was fine, but I wanted all the other parents to be able to watch their little one instead of my little entertainer in the center of the circle.

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Family Traditions
Mimi and Pop have started a new family tradition this year...That all of us get together to decorate their tree! Mark and Pop put the tree in the stand and stood it up. Mark put the lights around the very top and then Kim and myself finished the rest of the lights. Kim decorated the top of the tree, being that I am all of the sudden a little scared of heights(go figure)! I decorated around the bottom, well that is when Poot(Gracie) wasn't crying at my feet(she was getting very tired and hungry). Gracie had so much fun showing off...She made laps around Mimi and Pop's house all night. She threw a couple of ornaments at the tree and Hayden put all of her ornaments in one spot. So if you go to Mimi and Pop's I bet you will see where Hayden decorated! Although, we almost had a catastrophe, I suddenly realized that the tree was getting closer to me...So I started yelling Whoa and Kim grabbed the tree. Mark then says "I think I forgot to tie off the top of the tree after I put the lights on." He ran upstairs and tied it up and then Kim and I had to fix some lights and ornaments. We all had a good time and the tree turned out beautiful! Mimi made her famous Ham Pie for dinner and Hayden was a huge help when it was time to put all the eggs in it! It was DELICIOUS!!! It has been a while since we have had it. In fact I ate the leftovers for breakfast this morning(YUMMY)!
Pop, Hayden, Tough and Tiger: Making Ham Pie:
Candy Cane Ornament from Santa:
Princess ornament, which completes our tree for little Princess Hayden:
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
New Outfits
Oh, how sweet: