Colton and I went to Preschool to have water day today! Colton liked getting squirted with all the water and he really likes Mrs. Monica, he kept wanting her to hold him. Gracie was the only child in the class that didn't get wet, not sure what happened there. She kind of played by herself a good bit, but then I would look up and she would be chasing her friends. Mrs. Monica is right though, she removes herself from situations when she thinks she is going to get in trouble, very smart girl. For instance when all of the other little girls painted their hands and legs instead of the boxes they were supposed to be painting, she got up and left to do something else. She followed all the rules and listened to every thing Mrs. Monica and Mrs. Brooke said. Makes me a proud Mommy! I was the only Mommy that was able to come back this morning, which made for one proud little girl. I am so glad that I get to be there and do all these things with my babies.

On another note, I opened Hayden's book bag yesterday and found her Kindergarten graduation invitation in it. It says Class of 2024 and I just started crying. Is it possible that she is going to be in the 1st grade next year? Yes it is and it is going to be here before I know it! I have so many happy tears because I am so very proud of her and some sad ones because my first baby is growing up way too fast. Just know that I will be sobbing at the graduation because I will be the proudest Mommy there!!!!
Oh and one more thing Little Man is not far from walking. He has taken two steps with Mark and I but still not sure of just taking off yet. It won't be long so watch out everybody! I am so proud of him too. All three of my babies are wonderful and amazing. Mommy and Daddy love you all so very much!
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