Well our weeks keep getting busier and busier, so I forget to post things as soon as they happen...so I have updated this post with lots of adorable pictures of 3 amazing kids! Saturday, we spent some time with my Mema and Pop, then we came home to practice some softball in the yard and Grandmama and Linda came to play. Hayden and Gracie have decided that Aunt Linda is the silliest person ever. They had lots of fun!Sunday we spent the day with Mimi, Pop, Kim and Artie.....Mimi had been out of town all week and there were 3 little ones that couldn't wait to see her!!! She also brought back lots of presents for her favorite people. Then it was back to school, practices and ballet for the week. Hayden had another softball game last night and she did EXCELLENT! I am loving her games, I find that I am one of those parents cheering on the whole team. They all did very good and they all cheered for their team too....it was very cute. Hayden didn't let the ball get passed her one time, to say I was proud would be an understatement. She is so good at everything she does!
Gracie had a petting zoo at her school today, they needed volunteers so I made sure to be there. They had lots of bunnies, turtle and a parrot. There were a few other things but I don't remember what they were being that my little man was keeping me pretty busy trying to get into every thing. Gracie didn't like the animals near her at all. She let them put one bunny in her lap and after that she was done. She says that she liked them but not on her!!! Silly girl, she gets it honest though because I am the same way. It was fun and interesting. She is such a good girl at school, very sweet and quiet. Her teachers just love her to pieces!
Colton is into every thing still, he can find anything on the floor. He is so handsome, I just love to kiss on his chubby little cheeks. He is starting to get lots of personality and when he smiles and scrunches his nose up, it is hilarious. He also loves to play with Hayden and Gracie, you should hear the way he laughs at them!
Just like his Daddy! |
My little Mini Me! |
Gorgeous! |
Do they look Irish? |
Camo shirt and shoes! |
Loving on his Grandmama! |
I love them sooooo much! |
Sweet babies |
Not sure at all, just wants them to get it out of her lap! She is making the same face that I did when I was little! |
Parrot getting a ride! |
This bunny could have been the Easter Bunny! |
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