Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Magic Show
Last night we went to see a magic show at the country club with Aunt Kim, Uncle Artie and Mimi. Hayden really enjoyed it! She sat in the floor with all the other kids and was fascinated the whole time. Gracie enjoyed the first 30 minutes of it, that is about as long of a time span we get with her. She kept saying "I want to see" and once she got tired she just ate all the candy on the table and sat in my lap. Hayden talked about the show all the way home, well that is until she fell asleep. The food was very good especially to a pregnant woman that has been wanting some good home cooking! Now if I could just get someone to make me some homemade chicken and dumplings, I would be set! Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures and the ones I took before we left the house are not clear, so hopefully Aunt Kim got a few with her camera last night! Thanks Uncle Artie and Aunt Kim, we had a great time!!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Carving The Punkin
Last night as promised Mark carved the big punkin with the girls. They were very excited, and couldn't wait to help. Gracie just talked the whole time and Hayden wanted to help with everything. Mark told Hayden to draw a scary face on the punkin and he would carve it out....and well this is what she come up with....

Isn't that the cutest punkin you have ever seen? Did you notice that all of the faces were different? At first Mark and I were joking about how long it was going to take him to carve this punkin! Finally after she said her hand was tired, we convinced her to let Daddy draw on the other side and carve it, that way all of her faces would be there too! This was our finished product....

Isn't that the cutest punkin you have ever seen? Did you notice that all of the faces were different? At first Mark and I were joking about how long it was going to take him to carve this punkin! Finally after she said her hand was tired, we convinced her to let Daddy draw on the other side and carve it, that way all of her faces would be there too! This was our finished product....

Monday, October 25, 2010
Painting Punkins
Yesterday we went to Wal-Mart to buy some punkins, yes Wal-Mart...I have decided that the Pumpkin Patch is a complete waste of money! The punkins at Wal-Mart were actually bigger than the ones at Washington Farms and I haven't heard any really good things about Corn Dawgs this year either, in fact the only thing I have heard is that it is not worth $12 a person!!! Anyways back to my point, the girls wanted to carve a punkin and last year I let Hayden paint one too...Gracie was too little last year, so we decided to let them paint one a piece this year. It was a big hit with Gracie, she had so much fun and thank goodness for washable paint because they had it everywhere and I do mean everywhere...even places I'm not to sure about! They painted their punkins for about 45 minutes in all different colors. They really did enjoy it, Hayden was trying to make her punkin perfect and Gracie was just throwing paint everywhere on hers. The deal was that Daddy was going hunting with Sue and Rowdy and while he was gone they could paint their punkins and when he got back home, we would carve the big one. Well, Daddy had a few issues hunting and ended up getting home a little later than expected, so we are going to carve the big punkin tonight instead. I think it worked out good, now they have something exciting to do tonight too!

Big Sisters!!!!

Gracie painting her punkin...

Hayden making her punkin perfect and beautiful...

Two finished punkins...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
1st Field Trip
Today was Hayden's first field trip with school. I am so lucky that I got to go too and so did Gracie Leigh. The field trip was to Washington Farms Pumpkin Patch. Hayden got to ride the bus, which I think was her favorite part. Gracie and I met them at the pumpkin patch. I was so excited that I got there before the bus did. I couldn't wait to see her reaction when she got off the bus. When the bus pulled into the parking lot all you could hear was a whole bunch of screaming, talk about some excited 4 and 5 year olds. Hayden looked like such a big girl getting off that bus and of course I was taking pictures and thinking to myself that just yesterday she was almost 2 and going to the pumpkin patch for the first time, my how time does fly.
The first thing we did was the hay ride, which Hayden and Kierstin loved, Gracie wasn't too sure about it at first but ended up liking it. After the hay ride we got to pet some cows and goats, which the cows were absolutely by far Gracie's favorite part. Then they hit the slides and that is pretty much where they stayed from then on. After lots of playing it was time for their story time about how pumpkins grow and they paid really close attention but could hardly wait it to be over so they could play on the slides again. Then we had a picnic lunch and another hay ride to the pumpkin patch to pick out their own little pumpkin. Hayden picked out the most beautiful pumpkin. The girls all had lots of fun and so did I! It was a great first field trip!
Here she comes:

Lots of screaming kids:

And there she is, my big girl:

Hayden and Kierstin:

Hay Ride:

How cute:

Petting the goats:

Gracie Sliding:

Picking out the best pumpkin:


Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Chatter Box
Gracie is somewhat of a chatter box these days. She is almost talking in complete sentences all the time now. It is funny because she really likes to talk in the car, and after everything she says she will say Right Mommy? and she will continue to ask me until I answer her. I can't help but laugh it is so cute. This morning she was talking and making all kinds of loud noises. Hayden and I were quiet and just listening to her and finally after about 5 minutes, Hayden said "Gracie PLEASE be quiet". She has also started watching TV in the mornings, no not anything is all educational and I really do believe that because Hayden has learned a lot from the shows on PBS. She loves Calliou, which is still one of Hayden's favorite shows and she likes the Cat in the Hat. When we get back home in the mornings from taking Hayden to school, I turn on Gracie's shows and she plays and watches a little TV in the living room, which gives me time to do my cleaning and washing clothes, which I am not go to lie hasn't been on my list of priorities lately. I constantly feel like I am going to be sick and seems to be worse after I actually eat. I love watching her play by herself and pretend, some of the things she does just tickles me!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Lines for the Play
Today Hayden got her lines for the Thanksgiving Play. It says on the form that the children were asked if they wanted a part or not and if they indicated "yes" then they got one! I can't imagine my shy little girl standing in front of everyone and saying two lines, yes that is right she got two different lines instead of just one like the other children. Mommy officially has HOMEWORK now, we are going to really have to go over and over these lines. She has one line that is a little longer, so we will be practicing it a good bit, the other one isn't too bad. We started practicing tonight and I couldn't help but laugh because she can't even pronounce some of the words clearly yet! I know she will get them down though, she is good at everything! I am so proud of her and I can't wait to see the Play! I just hope that we practice enough that she doesn't get scared and forget her lines when the time comes...that is what I would do anyway. I know she will do great and it helps that all of her friends have lines too. I can't wait to see it, I will be the Mommy in the audience trying to get all over the place to record it, after all this is her first Play!!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Disney on Ice
Yesterday Mimi, Hayden, Gracie, Aunt Vickie, Aunt Linda, Grandmama, Katelyn and myself all went to see Disney on Ice after we had a yummy lunch at the Varsity. It was all about Toy Story 3, and it was exactly like the movie! Hayden really enjoyed it and so did Gracie. Gracie was amazed, this is the first year that she really knew what was going on. I loved watching both of their faces as the scenes would change. Katelyn was so sweet, she was as amazed as Gracie. She sat in her Mimi's lap and watched the whole show. Oh and the girls got snow cones in Jesse cups, cotton candy with an alien hat, and Hayden got a Jesse cowgirl is so cute, it even has a ponytail on it! It was lots of fun and even more fun for me to see how much the girls enjoyed it. We are also glad that Grandmama got to go with all of the little great grand babies! Thanks Mimi for another wonderful year of Disney on Ice...We had so much fun and We Love You!!!
Today Mark and I took the girls to the Disney Store because Hayden decided after Disney on Ice yesterday that she wants to be Jesse for Halloween. I think it is adorable but apparently everyone else in the world does too...all the costumes were gone BUT we did get a pair of RED Cowgirl Boots just like Jesse's, so I think I can make up a even cuter costume...I am thinking her new Levi blue jeans that just happen to be boot cut and a white button down shirt, maybe a belt and those really cute RED BOOTS!!! I personally think she would be adorable! I'm still not to sure about Gracie because she can wear Hayden's old boots this year and she absolutely loves them, so she might end up being some type of little cowgirl too...I wish I had her a little cowgirl hat, wouldn't that be so sweet?
Snow cones!!!!

Gracie loved hers!!!

Katelyn was amazed...


Hayden's favorite part...JESSE!

Friday, October 15, 2010
Where to Begin?
I haven't updated the blog as much lately, I apologize to those of you that check it everyday to see what my little angels have been up to. We have had a lot going on for the past couple of weeks so I am going to try to fit it all in one blog entry.
First - The girls are now sleeping together in Hayden's bed and have been for two weeks today. There haven't been any problems and Hayden absolutely loves that she is such a big girl. Gracie is sleeping much better and not getting up two or three times a night since she is out of the baby bed, which means Mommy sleeps all night too. We now have a definite schedule...we go to bed at exactly 8pm and read two night night stories(one for each little angel)...then we turn off the lights and I lay with Gracie until she falls asleep...then Hayden finishes watching whatever movie is on and goes to sleep too, without Mommy or Daddy. Hayden is usually asleep within 15 minutes after I get up. They actually get excited about night night time now! This just goes to prove my little girls are sweet and perfect!

Last - I updated a week ago that I was pregnant with Baby Stancil #3 and that I would update after my doctors appointment. I went back for an ultrasound yesterday and Baby Stancil has a strong heartbeat of 142bpm. Mark wasn't able to go yesterday, they have been very busy at work and I was so nervous about going by myself. As soon as the ultrasound tech started she said "there is your little baby" and I immediately got excited and then she turned the switch where we could hear and I heard the most amazing, beautiful sound in the little baby's heartbeat. The first thing she said was "wow that is a strong heartbeat" that made me feel great. There is no way to describe to anyone how much you worry when you are pregnant, you just can't help it! I have been sick and very tired, but my Dr. gave me some medicine to take. I was also sick with Hayden and Gracie so I kind of knew what to expect. Needless to say Mark and I are very excited about our baby and so are the girls!
Well I think this pretty much wraps up all the things I didn't blog about. Tomorrow we are going to see Disney on Ice with Mimi, Aunt Vickie and Katelyn. It's going to be lots of fun and I will try to take some pictures, last year I didn't any. Gracie should be very amazed by it this year, hopefully she will not be scared, you never know with her!!!!
First - The girls are now sleeping together in Hayden's bed and have been for two weeks today. There haven't been any problems and Hayden absolutely loves that she is such a big girl. Gracie is sleeping much better and not getting up two or three times a night since she is out of the baby bed, which means Mommy sleeps all night too. We now have a definite schedule...we go to bed at exactly 8pm and read two night night stories(one for each little angel)...then we turn off the lights and I lay with Gracie until she falls asleep...then Hayden finishes watching whatever movie is on and goes to sleep too, without Mommy or Daddy. Hayden is usually asleep within 15 minutes after I get up. They actually get excited about night night time now! This just goes to prove my little girls are sweet and perfect!
Second - Hayden got her ears pierced last Sunday. She had been talking about it for awhile and finally Mark and I decided that if she really wanted to that we would let her. She picked out diamond studs and they are beautiful. She didn't even flinch when they did it, she is such a big girl and she is very proud of her new earrings.

Third - Hayden is still loving school. She had special snack day this week and she wanted to take cheese nips and juice boxes. I was a little surprised at her choice but it was her special snack day. She said she told her class that she really loves cheese crackers. She said that her classmates told her that her snacks were yummy!
She also had her first Homecoming Pep Rally yesterday. They decorated a banner to carry around the football field. She was so cute and looked like such a big girl!!! She really enjoyed the pep rally, it was very loud and she kept looking around to see what was going on!

Last - I updated a week ago that I was pregnant with Baby Stancil #3 and that I would update after my doctors appointment. I went back for an ultrasound yesterday and Baby Stancil has a strong heartbeat of 142bpm. Mark wasn't able to go yesterday, they have been very busy at work and I was so nervous about going by myself. As soon as the ultrasound tech started she said "there is your little baby" and I immediately got excited and then she turned the switch where we could hear and I heard the most amazing, beautiful sound in the little baby's heartbeat. The first thing she said was "wow that is a strong heartbeat" that made me feel great. There is no way to describe to anyone how much you worry when you are pregnant, you just can't help it! I have been sick and very tired, but my Dr. gave me some medicine to take. I was also sick with Hayden and Gracie so I kind of knew what to expect. Needless to say Mark and I are very excited about our baby and so are the girls!
Well I think this pretty much wraps up all the things I didn't blog about. Tomorrow we are going to see Disney on Ice with Mimi, Aunt Vickie and Katelyn. It's going to be lots of fun and I will try to take some pictures, last year I didn't any. Gracie should be very amazed by it this year, hopefully she will not be scared, you never know with her!!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Today I met with Mrs. Sherre for our first conference, or better known as an update for the parents as to what our little angels are learning. Mrs. Sherre did lots and lots of bragging on Hayden, she said that if she had a whole classroom of Hayden's the world would be great! Hayden is doing excellent, she is below average on recognizing upper and lower case letters and numbers 11-20 but Mrs. Sherre says that is very common for all 4 year olds and by the time report cards go out in January she will probably know them all. The only thing that Mrs. Sherre wants Hayden to work on is more CONFIDENCE. She says that Hayden is so good at everything but sometimes she likes to be reassured of things and she wants her to take over and be confident about everything she does! I told her about the soccer game last week and she said that was very good improvement in the confidence area. Hayden is just shy and doesn't like to take charge but I will say that I can see lots of improvement from last year! She is such a wonderful little girl and makes Mark and I very proud everyday. We love you Hayden Christine and keep up the great work!!!!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Lots of News
Hayden did excellent at her soccer game on Thursday night, they played the Ladybugs(Kierstin's team) again. She really come out of her shell, she was even kicking the ball away from some of the girls, not extremely aggressive but much more than usual! I personally think it is a very happy medium for her, as far as soccer goes anyway, we don't want her to get too aggressive and mean. She was very proud of herself too and to make it even better Mark got to see it too! I kind of think she was showing off a little but it was worth it to see the smile on her face and his too for that matter! Needless to say he was very proud of her, that is the first soccer game he has gotten to go to since the first one. She almost scored three different times, she has to learn to look up and watch where the goal is, but it was okay at least she was trying. Even her coaches were very proud of her, they bragged on her several different times and once again she got to take the Pink Flamingo Mascot home for a week! It is really hard to put into words how exciting it is when she gets that ball and kicks it down the field, it is just truly a very proud moment for Mark and myself! She is doing excellent at everything she is involved, ballet and soccer...She really does make us proud!
Gracie makes us very proud too, she is always very well behaved while she is waiting/watching her big sister. She really is a patient little girl...Now don't get me wrong she has her days where she is over it but for the most part she goes with the flow, which makes it a whole lot easier on Mommy. Thank you Gracie Leigh for being so sweet, one day it will be your turn to play sports, dance and go to school!
Onto my next big news...I'm Pregnant with baby number 3!!!! I was going to wait until next Thursday when I go to the doctor to publish this on the blog, but I couldn't wait any longer. We are all very excited, especially Hayden. She got to tell everybody our big news this time and it was so sweet, Gracie doesn't really understand yet but I know she will be excited too...she loves babies!
We are truly blessed!!!!!!!!!!
Gracie makes us very proud too, she is always very well behaved while she is waiting/watching her big sister. She really is a patient little girl...Now don't get me wrong she has her days where she is over it but for the most part she goes with the flow, which makes it a whole lot easier on Mommy. Thank you Gracie Leigh for being so sweet, one day it will be your turn to play sports, dance and go to school!
Onto my next big news...I'm Pregnant with baby number 3!!!! I was going to wait until next Thursday when I go to the doctor to publish this on the blog, but I couldn't wait any longer. We are all very excited, especially Hayden. She got to tell everybody our big news this time and it was so sweet, Gracie doesn't really understand yet but I know she will be excited too...she loves babies!
We are truly blessed!!!!!!!!!!
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