Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Go Hayden!

Last night Hayden had another Soccer game and she did great!  She ran after the ball and even almost scored twice and I think she might have actually scored one time for the other team, but I didn't say anything to her because at least she was trying.  She was totally overwhelmed on Saturday but was very impressive last night.  I couldn't help myself cheering her on, I promised not to be to competitive this time and I even had tears in my eyes at one point.  I know sounds kind of silly but that is how proud I was of her!  She really enjoyed it too!  She got to bring home the pink flamingo mascot for doing such a great job hustling and kicking the ball!  Mark wasn't able to make it to the game, he works in South Georgia and just simply could not make it by 6pm but you should have seen his face when we pulled up in the driveway and I held up the Pink Flamingo Mascot!  Hayden couldn't wait to get out of the car and tell him all about it. I think he was a little sad that he missed it but she understands that it can't be helped.  Mimi, Pop and Kim came to cheer her on too and she loves to look over and just smile at everybody.  Good game Hayden, you always make us a proud Mommy and Daddy!

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