Yesterday after I picked up Hayden from school we took Gracie to see Dr. Beeber for her 2 year check up. I didn't have time to go back home before Gracie's appointment so I packed a lunch for the girls and we just went on to the doctor's office and had a picnic in the car. They were very patient little girls, I was very proud of them, of course it helped that our car is like a toy box. Every time we leave the house they have to take something with them, which yesterday came in handy! Hayden loves to color so she keeps markers and paper in the car, well Gracie got a hold of one of the markers and colored her legs before her appointment. Needless to say I wasn't impressed but I have finally learned that it doesn't do any good to get upset. I tried to clean it up with a baby wipe and I was able to get most of it off but there was still a little scribble left as evidence for Dr. Beeber to see!
I already knew that Gracie wasn't going to be happy when we got inside. She doesn't like for any strangers to touch or talk to her, which could be a good thing, I'm really not sure yet though! She started crying as soon as Mrs. Pat came into the room...She would NOT stand on the scale or let Mrs. Pat see how tall she was, so I had to hold her and Mrs. Pat weighed both of us and then me by myself, nothing like being weighed at the pediatrician office when you are almost 31 years old! Then since she wouldn't stand up like a big girl to get her height, she had to lay her down on the table and measure her like a baby, which if you had been in the doctors would have thought we were beating her! Finally after a struggle our little angel weighs 26lbs and was 35 1/2 inches tall, which translates into 45th percentile for weight and 85th percentile for height! Go big girl, I was so proud...she is usually only 15th percentile for weight so she has really caught up! I told Dr. Beeber that she is extremely picky about her food and he said that most 2 year olds are and that we should just keep doing what we are doing and offering her new foods to see if she will like them. Keep in mind that the whole time he is talking to me, Gracie is screaming "I wanna go home" and so our appointment was one of the fastest ones ever, evidently they like to get the screaming kids out of there before they terrify all the other kids! After she said that for about the 100th time, he said well I see she is almost talking in complete sentences! Then he asked if she was scribbling on paper, but then he started laughing as he noticed that she had colored her legs. I told him yes, that she loves to scribble on everything even Mommy's car, yes that is correct even Mommy's car! He confirmed that she is a healthy beautiful strong minded little girl. Then Mrs. Pat had came back to give our little angel two shots, as if she weren't upset enough...she once again almost passed out from holding her breath...Mrs. Pat and Dr. Beeber were just laughing as I left the office. I am sure they see it all the time, but Hayden has never acted like that so it is all new to me!
Just some interesting information, I always look back to see where Hayden was at her past appointments each time I take Gracie and believe it or not Hayden weighed 25lbs and was 35 inches at her 2 year check up, so even though Gracie looks smaller she is actually 1lb more and 1/2 inch taller than Hayden was!
Good news is that Gracie doesn't have to have anymore shots until she is 4, well except the flu shot!
Ummm, Eli weights 26 pounds too!!!hee hee and that was at is 1 year check up... Oh well, what can I say... he got it honest and so did sweet Gracie! :) So glad she had a good check up!